2015년 12월 10일 목요일

아빠가 들려 주는 [통계] 샘플 수의 계산

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2015년 12월 7일 월요일

아빠가 들려 주는 [통계] logistic regression등 다변수 분석에서 단위 조심

독립변수들끼리 비교를 위해서는 
표준화 계수가 필요하다는 개념 설명.....

아빠가 들려 주는 [통계]logistic regression 준비작업과 산비도

웃기는 이름 산비도?
사실 산점도에 대비해서, 그냥 만들어본 이름이죠, 

어떤 분은 무슨 사이비 무술 이름 같다고 느끼실지도 모르죠?

그냥 회귀분석에서 산점도를 항상 그려 보아야 하듯이, 
비율도 그려 보아야 한다.. 로지스틱 회귀분석에서는...
그 정도로 이해하시면 좋겠습니다.

Father’s Story of [Statistics]
No P
-non inferiority trial-
Kim JeeHyoung

2015년 8월 26일 수요일

Diagnostic Criteria for Fibromyalgia 2010 from ACR

Diagnostic Criteria for Fibromyalgia 2010 from ACR

these are web calulators



Diagnostic Criteria for Fibromyalgia 2010 from ACR

1) Symptoms have been present at a similar level for at least 3 months.
2) The patient does not have a disorder that would otherwise explain the pain

A WPI(Widespread pain index) - 0~19 points
--- Jaw : no -0 one side -1 both side -2

--- Neck : no -0 yes - 1

--- Shoulder girdle : no -0 one side -1 both side -2

--- Chest : no -0 yes -1

--- Abdomen : no -0 yes -1

--- Upper arm : no -0 one side -1 both side -2

--- Lower arm : no -0 one side -1 both side -2

--- Hip (buttock, trochanter): no -0 one side -1 both side -2

--- Upper leg : no -0 one side -1 both side -2

--- Lower leg : no -0 one side -1 both side -2

--- Upper back : no -0 yes -1

--- Lower back : no -0 yes - 1

B SS (symptom severity) - 0~12
--- Fatigue
no problem -0
slight or mild problems, generally mild or intermittent -1
moderate, considerable problems, often present and/or at a moderate level -2
severe: pervasive, continuous, life-disturbing problems -3

--- Waking unrefreshed
no problem -0
slight or mild problems, generally mild or intermittent -1
moderate, considerable problems, often present and/or at a moderate level -2
severe: pervasive, continuous, life-disturbing problems -3

--- Cognitive symptoms
no problem -0
slight or mild problems, generally mild or intermittent -1
moderate, considerable problems, often present and/or at a moderate level -2
severe: pervasive, continuous, life-disturbing problems -3

--- somatic symptoms
no symptoms -0
few symptoms -1
a moderate number of symptoms -2
a great deal of symptoms -3

(Somatic symptoms that might be considered.)
muscle pain, irritable bowel syndrome,
fatigue/tiredness, thinking or remembering problem,
muscle weakness, headache, pain/cramps in the abdomen,
numbness/tingling, dizziness, insomnia, depression,
constipation, pain in the upper abdomen,
nausea, nervousness, chest pain, blurred vision,
fever, diarrhea, dry mouth, itching, wheezing,
Raynaud’s phenomenon, hives/welts, ringing in ears,
vomiting, heartburn, oral ulcers,
loss of/change in taste, seizures, dry eyes,
shortness of breath, loss of appetite, rash,
sun sensitivity, hearing,difficulties,
easy bruising, hair loss, frequent urination,
painful urination, and bladder spasms.
