2022년 11월 17일 목요일

Excel and Statistics(11), Histogram

Excel and Statistics, everybody should know.  : Contents


A ‘histogram’ is a representative plot that shows the distribution of continuous variables such as height and weight.


 Specify ‘Input range’ but leave ‘Bin range’ blank. Leave the other charts and select ‘Chart output‘ only. Be sure to check Label.


Bins and frequencies are presented, histograms are made, but the bin intervals are difficult to understand are made by machine and methmatics.


This time, divide the minimum and maximum values from -80 to 50 at appropriate intervals and specify the ‘rank interval’Ž.

The interval labeled -70 has a frequency of 1, but the actual data shows that there is one -78. In other words, you can see that the interval labeled -70 is actually from -80 to -70. The interval containing the maximum value, that is, the interval expressed as 50, has values of 46, 47, and 47, indicating that the count(or frequency) is 3.

The interval 10 would be an interval from 0 to 10, but would 0 and 10 be included? If you look at the actual value, there is a 10 in this interval. Estimated, 0 is not included, but 10 is included. That way, the frequency would be 1. So, when expressing, it says (0,10]. This indicates that 0 is not included, and 10 is included.


Now we want to include ‘Pareto chart’ and ‘cumulative percentage’.


The taller bar, the more left. Displaying it in this way is called a Pareto chart.


On the other hand, let’s put the cursor in Column D and select the chart of ‘Insert’ to select ‘Histogram’. (Available from Excel 2016)


It is expressed as 4 bars (intervals). The section is marked with (-40.-2] for easy understanding.

You can double-click the horizontal axisŒ to call ‘Format Axis’ to adjust ‘Bin WidthŽ’ or ‘Number of Bins’ among the ‘Axis Options’.

Adjust ‘Underflow or Overflow’ to adjust the bins for human understanding.


You can also use various options to decorate your chart.





  • R data visualization book 2
https://tinyurl.com/R-plot-II-2  simple variables
https://tinyurl.com/R-plot-II-3-4   many variables / map
https://tinyurl.com/R-plot-II-5-6   time related / statistics related
https://tinyurl.com/R-plot-II-7-8   others / reactive chart 






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