2020년 1월 1일 수요일

아빠가 들려주는 [데이터 시각화] Alluvial Diagrams

] Alluvial

변수가 많을 때, 연속변수와 명목변수가 섞여 있을 때 효과적으로 표현하기가 어렵죠.
완벽하진 않지만 이런 경우가 가장 쉽게 사용할 수 있으면서도
아주 예쁜 plot입니다.
이미 1권 2권에서도 비슷한 것들을 소개한 바 있지만,
이건 조금 다른 면이 있어서 어떤 점이 다른지 이해하면 좋겠습니다.


아빠가 들려주는 [데이터 시각화] Likert Chart

설문조사 등에서 많이 사용되고,
신문에서도 가끔 보는 차트죠?
예쁠 뿐 아니라, 편리합니다.

2019년 12월 27일 금요일

[Daddy's R Data Visualization] : USA Map

[Daddy's R Data Visualization] : USA Map

step 1: visit


step 2 : see the example data

'state' and others(with numbers)
'state' has the name of USA states

step 3: get the plot and edit

set the colors for high value and low value,
the colors for the territories and labels.

you can select the data column to show.
if you deactivate the "show labels', you can get the cleaner one.

step 4 : another data

this data have 'fips' and others.

step 5 : get the plot and edit more

you can see the plot.
you can download the plot as a PDF or a PPTX.

You can edit more with the PPTX

step 6 : your data

edit your data in EXCEL and save as "CSV".
your data should have at least one of 'state' and 'state'.

[Daddy's R Data Visualization] : USA Bubble Map

[Daddy's R Data Visualization] : USA Bubble Map


step1: visit here

actually, they are the same

step2: see the data structure

example data has 4 columns (label, size, lon, lat) and your data should have the same.

step3: get the plot and edit

you can select 3 colors and 3 texts, as you want

You can download the plot as a PDF or a PPTX file.
While resizing it, if you upsize you can get smaller texts.

Using pptx. you can edit more precisely as you want.

step 4: upload your data

Prepare your data like example data in EXCEL.
Save as an CSV file.
Click "want to use my data" and upload.

2019년 10월 23일 수요일

Q method : How to arrange the CARDS

Q method, How to arrange the CARDS

step 1: delete 1 in the yellow cells or write 1 around yellow cells, as far as it looks like a mountain
step 2: make it sure the total number as you want and plan
step 3: check the weight in the green cells