2021년 8월 17일 화요일

워드 게시 연습

 워드 게시 연습

파워포인트 연습

 파워포인트 연습

2021년 7월 2일 금요일

Datasets for Education


>>PART 9 Datasets for Education


save and keep for you https://tinyurl.com/data4edu 

>> datasets at R base *

>>datasets for ANOVA *

>> datasets at MASS *

>>datasets at survival

>>datasets at KMsurv

>>datasets at abd

>>datasets at emdbook

>>datasets at gamlss.data

>>datasets at HistData

>>datasets at ISLR

>>datasets at Lahman

>>datasets at mosaicData

>>datasets at spData.R

>>datasets at AER.R

>>datasets at agricolae.R

>>datasets at carData.R

>>datasets at ade4.R

>>datasets at boot.R

>>datasets at DAAG.R

>>datasets at HH.R

>>datasets at HSAUR2.R

>>datasets at languageR.R

>>datasets at vcd.R

>>datasets at VGAM.R

>>datasets at metafor.R

>>datasets at nlme.R

>>datasets at many1.R

>>datasets at PairedData.R

>>datasets at wooldridge.R

>> datasets at R package safetyData.R (clinical trials data)

>> datasets at ggversa.R


>> CDC data 


---------------------->> datasets at R base *

datasets at R base

1=ability.cov=Ability and Intelligence Tests
2=airmiles=Passenger Miles on Commercial US Airlines, 1937-1960
3=AirPassengers=Monthly Airline Passenger Numbers 1949-1960
4=airquality=New York Air Quality Measurements
5=anscombe=Anscombe's Quartet of 'Identical' Simple Linear Regressions
6=attenu=The Joyner-Boore Attenuation Data
7=attitude=The Chatterjee-Price Attitude Data
8=austres=Quarterly Time Series of the Number of Australian Residents
9=beaver1 (beavers)=Body Temperature Series of Two Beavers
10=beaver2 (beavers)=Body Temperature Series of Two Beavers
11=BJsales=Sales Data with Leading Indicator
12=BJsales.lead (BJsales)=Sales Data with Leading Indicator
13=BOD=Biochemical Oxygen Demand
14=cars=Speed and Stopping Distances of Cars
15=ChickWeight=Weight versus age of chicks on different diets
16=chickwts=Chicken Weights by Feed Type
17=CO2=Carbon Dioxide Uptake in Grass Plants
18=co2=Mauna Loa Atmospheric CO2 Concentration
19=crimtab=Student's 3000 Criminals Data
20=discoveries=Yearly Numbers of Important Discoveries
21=DNase=Elisa assay of DNase
22=esoph=Smoking, Alcohol and (O)esophageal Cancer
23=euro=Conversion Rates of Euro Currencies
24=euro.cross (euro)=Conversion Rates of Euro Currencies
25=eurodist=Distances Between European Cities and Between US Cities
26=EuStockMarkets=Daily Closing Prices of Major European Stock Indices, 1991-1998
27=faithful=Old Faithful Geyser Data
28=fdeaths (UKLungDeaths)=Monthly Deaths from Lung Diseases in the UK
29=Formaldehyde=Determination of Formaldehyde
30=freeny=Freeny's Revenue Data
31=freeny.x (freeny)=Freeny's Revenue Data
32=freeny.y (freeny)=Freeny's Revenue Data
33=HairEyeColor=Hair and Eye Color of Statistics Students
34=Harman23.cor=Harman Example 2.3
35=Harman74.cor=Harman Example 7.4
36=Indometh=Pharmacokinetics of Indomethacin
37=infert=Infertility after Spontaneous and Induced Abortion
38=InsectSprays=Effectiveness of Insect Sprays
39=iris=Edgar Anderson's Iris Data
40=iris3=Edgar Anderson's Iris Data
41=islands=Areas of the World's Major Landmasses
42=JohnsonJohnson=Quarterly Earnings per Johnson & Johnson Share
43=LakeHuron=Level of Lake Huron 1875-1972
44=ldeaths (UKLungDeaths)=Monthly Deaths from Lung Diseases in the UK
45=lh=Luteinizing Hormone in Blood Samples
46=LifeCycleSavings=Intercountry Life-Cycle Savings Data
47=Loblolly=Growth of Loblolly pine trees
48=longley=Longley's Economic Regression Data
49=lynx=Annual Canadian Lynx trappings 1821-1934
50=mdeaths (UKLungDeaths)=Monthly Deaths from Lung Diseases in the UK
51=morley=Michelson Speed of Light Data
52=mtcars=Motor Trend Car Road Tests
53=nhtemp=Average Yearly Temperatures in New Haven
54=Nile=Flow of the River Nile
55=nottem=Average Monthly Temperatures at Nottingham, 1920-1939
56=npk=Classical N, P, K Factorial Experiment
57=occupationalStatus=Occupational Status of Fathers and their Sons
58=Orange=Growth of Orange Trees
59=OrchardSprays=Potency of Orchard Sprays
60=PlantGrowth=Results from an Experiment on Plant Growth
61=precip=Annual Precipitation in US Cities
62=presidents=Quarterly Approval Ratings of US Presidents
63=pressure=Vapor Pressure of Mercury as a Function of Temperature
64=Puromycin=Reaction Velocity of an Enzymatic Reaction
65=quakes=Locations of Earthquakes off Fiji
66=randu=Random Numbers from Congruential Generator RANDU
67=rivers=Lengths of Major North American Rivers
68=rock=Measurements on Petroleum Rock Samples
69=Seatbelts=Road Casualties in Great Britain 1969-84
70=sleep=Student's Sleep Data
71=stack.loss (stackloss)=Brownlee's Stack Loss Plant Data
72=stack.x (stackloss)=Brownlee's Stack Loss Plant Data
73=stackloss=Brownlee's Stack Loss Plant Data
74=state.abb (state)=US State Facts and Figures
75=state.area (state)=US State Facts and Figures
76=state.center (state)=US State Facts and Figures
77=state.division (state)=US State Facts and Figures
78=state.name (state)=US State Facts and Figures
79=state.region (state)=US State Facts and Figures
80=state.x77 (state)=US State Facts and Figures
81=sunspot.month=Monthly Sunspot Data, from 1749 to 'Present'
82=sunspot.year=Yearly Sunspot Data, 1700-1988
83=sunspots=Monthly Sunspot Numbers, 1749-1983
84=swiss=Swiss Fertility and Socioeconomic Indicators (1888) Data
85=Theoph=Pharmacokinetics of Theophylline
86=Titanic=Survival of passengers on the Titanic
87=ToothGrowth=The Effect of Vitamin C on Tooth Growth in Guinea Pigs
88=treering=Yearly Treering Data, -6000-1979
89=trees=Diameter, Height and Volume for Black Cherry Trees
90=UCBAdmissions=Student Admissions at UC Berkeley
91=UKDriverDeaths=Road Casualties in Great Britain 1969-84
92=UKgas=UK Quarterly Gas Consumption
93=USAccDeaths=Accidental Deaths in the US 1973-1978
94=USArrests=Violent Crime Rates by US State
95=UScitiesD=Distances Between European Cities and Between US Cities
96=USJudgeRatings=Lawyers' Ratings of State Judges in the US Superior Court
97=USPersonalExpenditure=Personal Expenditure Data
98=uspop=Populations Recorded by the US Census
99=VADeaths=Death Rates in Virginia (1940)
100=volcano=Topographic Information on Auckland's Maunga Whau Volcano
101=warpbreaks=The Number of Breaks in Yarn during Weaving
102=women=Average Heights and Weights for American Women
103=WorldPhones=The World's Telephones
104=WWWusage=Internet Usage per Minute


 ---------------------->>datasets at Lahman

datasets at R package Lahman

1=AllstarFull=AllstarFull table
2=Appearances=Appearances table
3=AwardsManagers=AwardsManagers table
4=AwardsPlayers=AwardsPlayers table
5=AwardsShareManagers=AwardsShareManagers table
6=AwardsSharePlayers=AwardsSharePlayers table
7=Batting=Batting table
8=BattingPost=BattingPost table
9=CollegePlaying=CollegePlaying table
10=Fielding=Fielding table
11=fieldingLabels=Variable Labels
12=FieldingPost=FieldingPost data
13=HallOfFame=Hall of Fame Voting Data
14=Label=Extract the Label for a Variable
15=Lahman=Sean Lahman's Baseball Database
16=LahmanData=Lahman Datasets
17=Managers=Managers table
18=ManagersHalf=ManagersHalf table
19=Master=Master table
20=Parks=Parks table
21=People=People table
22=Pitching=Pitching table
23=pitchingLabels=Variable Labels
24=PitchingPost=PitchingPost table
25=Salaries=Salaries table
26=Schools=Schools table
27=SeriesPost=SeriesPost table
28=stations_coordinates=Stations coordinates of China_Month and China_Seas datasets
29=Teams=Teams table
30=TeamsFranchises=TeamFranchises table
31=TeamsHalf=TeamsHalf table


---------------------->>datasets at ISLR

datasets at R package ISLR

1=Auto=Auto Data Set
2=Caravan=The Insurance Company (TIC) Benchmark
3=Carseats=Sales of Child Car Seats
4=College=U.S. News and World Report's College Data
5=Credit=Credit Card Balance Data
6=Default=Credit Card Default Data
7=Hitters=Baseball Data
8=OJ=Khan Gene Data
9=Portfolio=NCI 60 Data
10=Smarket=Orange Juice Data
11=Wage=Portfolio Data
12=Weekly=S&P Stock Market Data


---------------------->>datasets at HistData

datasets at R package HistData

1=Arbuthnot=Arbuthnot's data on male and female birth ratios in London from 1629-1710.
2=Armada=La Felicisima Armada
3=Bowley=Bowley's data on values of British and Irish trade, 1855-1899
4=Cavendish=Cavendish's Determinations of the Density of the Earth
5=ChestSizes=Chest measurements of 5738 Scottish Militiamen
6=Cholera=William Farr's Data on Cholera in London, 1849
7=CushnyPeebles=Cushny-Peebles Data: Soporific Effects of Scopolamine Derivatives
8=CushnyPeeblesN=Cushny-Peebles Data: Soporific Effects of Scopolamine Derivatives
9=Dactyl=Edgeworth's counts of dactyls in Virgil's Aeneid
10=DrinksWages=Elderton and Pearson's (1910) data on drinking and wages
11=EdgeworthDeaths=Edgeworth's Data on Death Rates in British Counties
12=Fingerprints=Waite's data on Patterns in Fingerprints
13=Galton=Galton's data on the heights of parents and their children
14=GaltonFamilies=Galton's data on the heights of parents and their children, by child
15=Guerry=Data from A.-M. Guerry, 'Essay on the Moral Statistics of France'
16=HalleyLifeTable=Halley's Life Table
17=HistData=Data sets from the History of Statistics and Data Visualization
18=Jevons=W. Stanley Jevons' data on numerical discrimination
19=Langren=van Langren's Data on Longitude Distance between Toledo and Rome
20=Langren.all=van Langren's Data on Longitude Distance between Toledo and Rome
21=Langren1644=van Langren's Data on Longitude Distance between Toledo and Rome
22=Macdonell=Macdonell's Data on Height and Finger Length of Criminals, used by Gosset (1908)
23=MacdonellDF=Macdonell's Data on Height and Finger Length of Criminals, used by Gosset (1908)
24=Michelson=Michelson's Determinations of the Velocity of Light
25=MichelsonSets=Michelson's Determinations of the Velocity of Light
26=Minard=Data from Minard's famous graphic map of Napoleon's march on Moscow
27=Minard.cities=Data from Minard's famous graphic map of Napoleon's march on Moscow
28=Minard.temp=Data from Minard's famous graphic map of Napoleon's march on Moscow
29=Minard.troops=Data from Minard's famous graphic map of Napoleon's march on Moscow
30=Nightingale=Florence Nightingale's data on deaths from various causes in the Crimean War
31=OldMaps=Latitudes and Longitudes of 39 Points in 11 Old Maps
32=PearsonLee=Pearson and Lee's data on the heights of parents and children classified by gender
33=PolioTrials=Polio Field Trials Data
34=Prostitutes=Parent-Duchatelet's time-series data on the number of prostitutes in Paris
35=Pyx=Trial of the Pyx
36=Quarrels=Statistics of Deadly Quarrels
37=Sdeaths=Draw John Snow's Map of Cholera in London
38=Sdensity=Draw John Snow's Map of Cholera in London
39=Snow=John Snow's Map and Data on the 1854 London Cholera Outbreak
40=Snow.dates=John Snow's Map and Data on the 1854 London Cholera Outbreak
41=Snow.deaths=John Snow's Map and Data on the 1854 London Cholera Outbreak
42=Snow.deaths2=John Snow's Map and Data on the 1854 London Cholera Outbreak
43=Snow.polygons=John Snow's Map and Data on the 1854 London Cholera Outbreak
44=Snow.pumps=John Snow's Map and Data on the 1854 London Cholera Outbreak
45=Snow.streets=John Snow's Map and Data on the 1854 London Cholera Outbreak
46=SnowMap=Draw John Snow's Map of Cholera in London
47=Splot=Draw John Snow's Map of Cholera in London
48=Spolygons=Draw John Snow's Map of Cholera in London
49=Spumps=Draw John Snow's Map of Cholera in London
50=Sscale=Draw John Snow's Map of Cholera in London
51=Sstreets=Draw John Snow's Map of Cholera in London
52=Virginis=John F. W. Herschel's Data on the Orbit of the Twin Stars gamma _Virginis_
53=Virginis.interp=John F. W. Herschel's Data on the Orbit of the Twin Stars gamma _Virginis_
54=Wheat=Playfair's Data on Wages and the Price of Wheat
55=Wheat.monarchs=Playfair's Data on Wages and the Price of Wheat
56=Yeast=Student's (1906) Yeast Cell Counts
57=YeastD.mat=Student's (1906) Yeast Cell Counts
58=ZeaMays=Darwin's Heights of Cross- and Self-fertilized Zea May Pairs

---------------------->>datasets at gamlss.data

datasets at R package gamlss.data

1=abdom=Abdominal Circumference Data
2=acidity=The Acidity Data files for GAMLSS
3=aep=The Hospital Stay Data
4=aids=Aids Cases in England and Wales
5=aircond=Air-conditioning data
6=alveolar=The Alveolar Data files for GAMLSS
7=brownfat=The brown fat data set
8=bush2000=The Bush 2000 election data
9=cable=The cable data set
10=CD4=The CD4 Count Data files for GAMLSS
11=computer=The Computer Failure Data files for GAMLSS
12=cysts=Data for count data
13=db=Head Circumference of Dutch Boys
14=dbbmi=BMI of Dutch Boys
15=dbhh=Head circumference and height of Dutch Boys
16=eu15=GDP of 15 EU counties from 1960 to 2009
17=fabric=The Fabric Data
18=film30=Film revenue data for the 1930's
19=film90=Film revenue data for the 1990's
20=glass=The Glass Data files for GAMLSS
21=glasses=Reading Glasses Data
22=grip=The hand grip strength data
23=hodges=Hodges data
24=hodges1=Hodges data
25=InfMort=Infant Mortality Data
26=Leukemia=The Leukemia data
27=LGAclaims=The LGA Claims Data files for GAMLSS
28=lice=Data files for GAMLSS
29=lungFunction=The lung function data
30=margolin=The Margolin Data files for GAMLSS
31=meta=A Meta Analysis on Smoking Cessation
32=Mums=Mothers encouragement data
33=mvi=The motor vehicle insurance data
34=mviBig=The motor vehicle insurance data
35=oil=The oil price data
36=parzen=The Parzen Data File for GAMLSS
37=plasma=The plasma data set
38=polio=Poliomyelitis cases in US
39=rent=Rent data
40=rent99=Munich rent data of 1999
41=rent99.polys=The boundaries file for Munich rent data from the 1999 survey.
42=respInf=Respiratory Infection in Indonesian Children.
43=sleep=Data on sleep
44=species=The Fish Species Data files for GAMLSS
45=stylo=The Stylometric Data files for GAMLSS
46=tensile=The Tensile Data files for GAMLSS
47=tidal=The tidal data set
48=trd=Tokyo Rainfall Data
49=tse=The Turkish stock exchange index
50=usair=US air pollution data set
51=vas5=Visual analog scale (VAS) data
52=VictimsOfCrime=Reported victims of crime data


 ---------------------->>datasets at emdbook

datasets at R package emdbook, Ecological Data

1=Damselfish=Reef fish (damselfish) data
2=DamselRecruitment=Reef fish (damselfish) data
3=DamselRecruitment_sum=Reef fish (damselfish) data
4=DamselSettlement=Reef fish (damselfish) data
5=Fir=Data on fir (Abies) life history
6=FirDBHFec=Data on fir (Abies) life history
7=FirDBHFec_sum=Data on fir (Abies) life history
8=Lily=Glacier lily occurrence and fecundity data
9=Lily_sum=Glacier lily occurrence and fecundity data
10=Myxo=Myxomatosis titer data
11=MyxoTiter_sum=Myxomatosis titer data
12=Reedfrog=Data on reed frog predation experiments
13=ReedfrogFuncresp=Data on reed frog predation experiments
14=ReedfrogPred=Data on reed frog predation experiments
15=ReedfrogSizepred=Data on reed frog predation experiments
16=SeedPred=Seed predation data set from Duncan and Duncan 2000
17=SeedPred_mass=Seed predation data set from Duncan and Duncan 2000
18=SeedPred_wide=Seed predation data set from Duncan and Duncan 2000


 ---------------------->>datasets at abd

datasets at R package abd

1=AlgaeCO2=Carbon Dioxide and Growth Rate in Algae
2=Antilles=Antilles Bird Immigration Dates
3=Aspirin=Effects of Aspirin on Cancer Rates
4=BeeGenes=Foraging Gene Expression
5=BeeLifespans=Bee Lifespans
6=Beetles=Beetle Wings and Horns
7=BirdSexRatio=Sex Ratios in Birds
8=Blackbirds=Testosterone Levels in Blackbirds
9=BodyFatHeatLoss=Heat Loss and Body Fat
10=BrainExpression=Proteolipid Protein 1 Gene Expression
11=BrookTrout=Salmon Survival in the Presence of Brook Trout
12=BrookTrout2=Salmon Survival in the Presence of Brook Trout
13=Cavalry=Deaths from Horse Kicks
14=Chickadees=Alarm Calls in Chickadees
15=ChimpBrains=Brodmann's Area 44 in Chimps
16=Cichlids=Cichlid Mating Preference
17=CichlidsGnRH=GnRH Levels in Cichlids
18=Clearcuts=Biomass Change in Rainforests near Clearcuts
19=CocaineDopamine=Effects of Cocaine on Dopamine Receptors
20=Convictions=Lattice theme for Analysis of Biological Data
21=ConvictionsAndIncome=Lattice theme for Analysis of Biological Data
22=Crickets=Frequency of Convictions for a Cohort of English Boys
23=DaphniaLongevity=Convictions and Income Level in a Cohort of English Boys
24=DaphniaResistance=Immunity and Sperm Viability in Crickets
25=dataInfo=Daphnia Longevity
26=DayOfBirth=Daphnia Resistance to Cyanobacteria
27=DEET='abd' Data Sets
28=DesertBirds=Day of Birth
29=Dioecy=DEET and Mosquito Bites
30=Dolphins=Desert Bird Census Data
31=DungBeetles=Dioecy vs. Monomorphism in Plants
32=Earthworms=Dolphin Swimming Behavior
33=Earwigs=Heritability of Body Condition in Dung Beetles
34=Eelgrass=Earthworm Diversity and Soil Nitrogen Levels
35=ElectricFish=Earwig Density and Forceps
36=ElVerde=Eelgrass Genotypes
37=EndangeredSpecies=Electric Fish
38=FingerRatio=Diet Breadth in a Rainforest Community
39=Fireflies=Endangered and Threatened Species
40=FireflyFlash=2D:4D Finger Ratio
41=FlycatcherPatch=Spermatophore Mass in Fireflies
42=FlyTestes=Firefly Flash Duration
43=GeneRegulation=Forehead Patch Size in Collared Flycatachers
44=GlidingSnakes=Testes Size in Flies
45=GodwitArrival=Gene Regulation in Saccharomyces
47=GreatTitMalaria=Godwit Arrival Dates
48=Greenspace=Grassland Diversity
49=Guppies=Malaria in Populations of Great Tit
50=Hemoglobin=Diversity in Urban Green Space
51=HippocampusLesions=Ornamentation and Attractiveness in Guppies
52=histochart=Hemoglobin Levels in High Altitude Populations
53=HornedLizards=Memory and the Hippocampus
54=HumanBodyTemp=Histogram from tabulated data
55=HumanGeneLengths=Horn Length and Predation Status of Horned Lizards
56=Hurricanes=Human Body Temperature
57=Iguanas=Human Gene Lengths
58=IntertidalAlgae=Intense Hurricanes
59=JetLagKnees=Iguana Body Length Changes
60=KenyaFinches=Intertidal Algae
61=LanguageBrains=Circadian Rhythm Phase Shift
62=LarvalFish=Body Mass and Beak Length in Three Species of Finches in Kenya
63=Lefthanded=Brain Structure in Bilingual Humans
64=LionCubs=Exploited Larval Fish
65=LionNoses=Left-handedness and Rates of Violence
66=LiverPreparation=Time to Reproduction in Female Lions
67=LizardBite=Lion Age and Nose Coloration
68=LizardSprint=Liver Preparation
69=Lobsters=Bite Force in Collard Lizards
70=LodgepolePines=Sprint Speeds in Canyon Lizards
71=LupusMice=Lobster Orientation
72=Lynx=Lodgepole Pine Cone Masses
73=MarineReserve=Autoimmune Reactivity in Lupus-prone Mice
74=MassExtinctions=Population Cycles of Lynx in Canada 1752-1819
75=MoleRats=Marine Reserve Biomass
76=Mosquitoes=Mass Extinction Frequency
77=MouseEmpathy=Energy Expenditure in Mole Rats
78=NeanderthalBrains=Body Size in Anopheles Mosquitoes
79=NematodeLifespan=Mouse Empathy
80=NeotropicalTrees=Cranial Capacity in Neanderthals and Modern Humans
81=Newts=Effects of Trimethadione on Lifespan in Nematodes
82=NorthSeaCod=Photosynthesis in Neotropical Trees
83=NoSmokingDay=Tetrodotoxin Resistance in Garter Snakes
84=OstrichTemp=Atlantic Cod Recruits
85=Penguins=No Smoking Day
86=PlantPersistence=Ostrich Body and Brain Temperatures
87=Pollen=Penguin Heart Rate
88=Powerball=Population Persistence Times
89=PrimateMetabolism=Sterility in Hybrid Pollens
90=PrimateWBC=Powerball Tickets Sold
91=ProgesteroneExercise=Primate Metabolic Rates
92=Pseudoscorpions=Primate White Blood Cell Counts and Promiscuity
93=Pufferfish=Progesterone and Exercise
94=Rattlesnakes=Multiple Mating in Pseudoscorpions
95=Rigormortis=Pufferfish Mimicry
96=RopeTrick=Temperature Change and Meal Size in Rattlesnakes
97=SagebrushCrickets=Rigormortis and Time of Death
98=SalmonColor=Indian Rope Trick
99=Seedlings=Sagebrush Cricket Mating Times
100=Selection=Pacific Salmon Color
101=SexualSelection=Number of Seedlings Per Quadrat
102=ShadParasites=Data for Meta-analysis
103=ShrinkingSeals=Sexual Conflict
104=ShuttleDisaster=Shad Parasites
105=Silversword=Seal Body Lengths and Age
106=SleepAndPerformance=Ambient Temperature and O-Ring Failures
107=SockeyeFemales=Rate of Speciation in Silverswords
108=Sparrows=Sleep and Learning
109=SpiderColonies=Body Masses of Female Sockeye Salmon
110=SpiderSpeed=Lifetime Reproductive Success in House Sparrows
111=Stalkies1=Social Spiders
112=Stalkies2=Spider Running Speeds after Amputation
113=SticklebackPlates=Eye Widths in Stalk-Eyed Flies
114=SticklebackPreference=Stalk-eyed Fly Eyespan
115=Sumo=Number of Lateral Plates in Sticklebacks
116=SyrupSwimming=Mating Preferences in Sticklebacks
117=TeenDeaths=Sumo Wrestling Wins
118=Telomeres=Syrup Swimming
119=theme.abd=Causes of Teenage Deaths
120=TimeOfDeath=Telomere Shortening
121=Toads=Lattice theme for Analysis of Biological Data
122=Tobacco=Hypoxanthine and Time Since Death
123=Tobacco2=Right-handed Toads
124=ToothAge=Flower Length in Tobacco Plants
125=TreeSeedlings=Flower Length in Tobacco Plants
126=Trematodes=Radioactive Teeth
127=Trillium=Tree Seedlings and Sunflecks
128=Truffles=Frequencies of Fish Eaten by Trematode Infection Level
129=TsetseLearning=Trillium Recruitment near Clearcuts
130=TwoKids=Truffle Distribution
131=VampireBites=Dietary Learning in Tsetse Flies
132=VasopressinVoles=Number of Boys in Two-Child Families
133=Vines=Vampire Bat Bites
134=VoleDispersal=Vasopressin Manipulation in the Meadow Vole
135=WalkingStickFemurs=Climbing Vines
136=WalkingStickHeads=Home Range Size in Field Voles
137=WeddellSeals=Walking Stick Femur Length
138=WillsDebates=Walking Stick Head Width
139=WillsPresidents=Energetic Cost of Diving
140=WolfTeeth=Presidential 'Wills'
141=Wolves=Presidential 'Wills'
142=WorldCup=Wolf Tooth Measurements
143=WrasseSexes=Inbreeding in Wolves
144=YeastGenes=World Cup Goals
145=ZebraFinchBeaks=Distribution of Wrasses
146=ZebraFinches=Yeast Regulatory Genes
147=ZooMortality=Mate Preference in Zebra Finches
148=Zooplankton=Zebra Finch Carotenoids
149=ZooMortality=Home Range Size and Mortality
150=Zooplankton=Zooplankton Depredation


---------------------->>datasets at KMsurv

datasets at R package KMsurv,

1=aids=data from Section 1.19
2=alloauto=data from Section 1.9
3=allograft=data from Exercise 13.1, p418
4=azt=data from Exercise 4.7, p122
5=baboon=data from Exercise 5.8, p147
6=bcdeter=data from Section 1.18
7=bfeed=data from Section 1.14
8=bmt=data from Section 1.3
9=bnct=data from Exercise 7.7, p223
10=btrial=data from Section 1.5
11=burn=data from Section 1.6
12=channing=data from Section 1.16
13=drug6mp=data from Section 1.2
14=drughiv=data from Exercise 7.6, p222
15=hodg=data from Section 1.10
16=kidney=data from Section 1.4
17=kidrecurr=Data on 38 individuals using a kidney dialysis machine
18=kidtran=data from Section 1.7
19=larynx=data from Section 1.8
20=lifetab=Create cohort life table
21=lung=data from Exercise 4.4, p120
22=pneumon=data from Section 1.13
23=psych=data from Section 1.15
24=rats=data from Exercise 7.13, p225
25=std=data from Section 1.12
26=stddiag=data from Exercise 5.6, p146
27=tongue=data from Section 1.11
28=twins=data from Exercise 7.14, p225

---------------------->>datasets at survival

datasets at R package survival

1=aareg=Aalen's additive regression model for censored data
2=aml=Acute Myelogenous Leukemia survival data
3=cancer=NCCTG Lung Cancer Data
4=capacitor=Reliability data sets
5=cch=Fits proportional hazards regression model to case-cohort data
6=cgd=Chronic Granulotamous Disease data
7=cgd.raw=Chronic Granulotamous Disease data
8=cgd0=Chronic Granulotomous Disease data
9=cracks=Reliability data sets
10=finegray=Create data for a Fine-Gray model
11=genfan=Reliability data sets
12=heart=Stanford Heart Transplant data
13=ifluid=Reliability data sets
14=imotor=Reliability data sets
15=jasa=Stanford Heart Transplant data
16=jasa1=Stanford Heart Transplant data
17=kidney=Kidney catheter data
18=leukemia=Acute Myelogenous Leukemia survival data
19=logan=Data from the 1972-78 GSS data used by Logan
20=lung=NCCTG Lung Cancer Data
21=mgus=Monoclonal gammopathy data
22=mgus1=Monoclonal gammopathy data
23=mgus2=Monoclonal gammopathy data

---------------------->> datasets at MASS *

datasets at R package MASS

1=abbey=Determinations of Nickel Content
2=accdeaths=Accidental Deaths in the US 1973-1978
3=Aids2=Australian AIDS Survival Data
4=Animals=Brain and Body Weights for 28 Species
5=anorexia=Anorexia Data on Weight Change
6=bacteria=Presence of Bacteria after Drug Treatments
7=beav1=Body Temperature Series of Beaver 1
8=beav2=Body Temperature Series of Beaver 2
9=biopsy=Biopsy Data on Breast Cancer Patients
10=birthwt=Risk Factors Associated with Low Infant Birth Weight
11=Boston=Housing Values in Suburbs of Boston
12=cabbages=Data from a cabbage field trial
13=caith=Colours of Eyes and Hair of People in Caithness
14=Cars93=Data from 93 Cars on Sale in the USA in 1993
15=cats=Anatomical Data from Domestic Cats
16=cement=Heat Evolved by Setting Cements
17=chem=Copper in Wholemeal Flour
18=coop=Co-operative Trial in Analytical Chemistry
19=cpus=Performance of Computer CPUs
20=crabs=Morphological Measurements on Leptograpsus Crabs
21=Cushings=Diagnostic Tests on Patients with Cushing's Syndrome
22=DDT=DDT in Kale
23=deaths=Monthly Deaths from Lung Diseases in the UK
24=drivers=Deaths of Car Drivers in Great Britain 1969-84
25=eagles=Foraging Ecology of Bald Eagles
26=epil=Seizure Counts for Epileptics
27=farms=Ecological Factors in Farm Management
28=fgl=Measurements of Forensic Glass Fragments
29=forbes=Forbes' Data on Boiling Points in the Alps
30=GAGurine=Level of GAG in Urine of Children
31=galaxies=Velocities for 82 Galaxies
32=gehan=Remission Times of Leukaemia Patients
33=genotype=Rat Genotype Data
34=geyser=Old Faithful Geyser Data
35=gilgais=Line Transect of Soil in Gilgai Territory
36=hills=Record Times in Scottish Hill Races
37=housing=Frequency Table from a Copenhagen Housing Conditions Survey
38=immer=Yields from a Barley Field Trial
39=Insurance=Numbers of Car Insurance claims
40=leuk=Survival Times and White Blood Counts for Leukaemia Patients
41=mammals=Brain and Body Weights for 62 Species of Land Mammals
42=mcycle=Data from a Simulated Motorcycle Accident
43=Melanoma=Survival from Malignant Melanoma
44=menarche=Age of Menarche in Warsaw
45=michelson=Michelson's Speed of Light Data
46=minn38=Minnesota High School Graduates of 1938
47=motors=Accelerated Life Testing of Motorettes
48=muscle=Effect of Calcium Chloride on Muscle Contraction in Rat Hearts
49=newcomb=Newcomb's Measurements of the Passage Time of Light
50=nlschools=Eighth-Grade Pupils in the Netherlands
51=npk=Classical N, P, K Factorial Experiment
52=npr1=US Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1 data
53=oats=Data from an Oats Field Trial
54=OME=Tests of Auditory Perception in Children with OME
55=painters=The Painter's Data of de Piles
56=petrol=N. L. Prater's Petrol Refinery Data
57=phones=Belgium Phone Calls 1950-1973
58=Pima.te=Diabetes in Pima Indian Women
59=Pima.tr=Diabetes in Pima Indian Women
60=Pima.tr2=Diabetes in Pima Indian Women
61=quine=Absenteeism from School in Rural New South Wales
62=Rabbit=Blood Pressure in Rabbits
63=road=Road Accident Deaths in US States
64=rotifer=Numbers of Rotifers by Fluid Density
65=Rubber=Accelerated Testing of Tyre Rubber
66=ships=Ships Damage Data
67=shoes=Shoe wear data of Box, Hunter and Hunter
68=shrimp=Percentage of Shrimp in Shrimp Cocktail
69=shuttle=Space Shuttle Autolander Problem
70=Sitka=Growth Curves for Sitka Spruce Trees in 1988
71=Sitka89=Growth Curves for Sitka Spruce Trees in 1989
72=Skye=AFM Compositions of Aphyric Skye Lavas
73=snails=Snail Mortality Data
74=SP500=Returns of the Standard and Poors 500
75=steam=The Saturated Steam Pressure Data
76=stormer=The Stormer Viscometer Data
77=survey=Student Survey Data
78=synth.te=Synthetic Classification Problem
79=synth.tr=Synthetic Classification Problem
80=topo=Spatial Topographic Data
81=Traffic=Effect of Swedish Speed Limits on Accidents
82=UScereal=Nutritional and Marketing Information on US Cereals
83=UScrime=The Effect of Punishment Regimes on Crime Rates
84=VA=Veteran's Administration Lung Cancer Trial
85=waders=Counts of Waders at 15 Sites in South Africa
86=whiteside=House Insulation: Whiteside's Data
87=wtloss=Weight Loss Data from an Obese Patient

---------------------->>datasets for ANOVA *

datasets at datarium, 17 datasets for ANOVA

1= anxiety ; Anxiety Data for Two-Way Mixed ANOVA
2= depression ; Depression Data for Two Way Mixed ANOVA
3= genderweight ; Weight Data By Gender for Two-Samples Mean Test
4= headache ; Headache Data for Three Way ANOVA
5= heartattack ; Heart Attack Data for Three Way ANOVA
6= housetasks.raw ; Housetasks
7= jobsatisfaction ; Job Satisfaction Data for Two-Way ANOVA
8= marketing ; Marketing Data Set
9= mice ; Mice Weight Data for One Sample Mean Test
10= mice2 ; Mice Weight Data for Paired-Samples Mean Test
11= performance ; Performance Data for Three-Way Mixed ANOVA
12= properties ; Properties Data for Chi-square Test of Independence
13= selfesteem ; Self-Esteem Score Data for One-way Repeated Measures ANOVA
14= selfesteem2 ; Self Esteem Score Data for Two-way Repeated Measures ANOVA
15= stress ; Stress Data for Two-Way ANCOVA
16= titanic.raw ; Survival of Passengers on the Titanic
17= weightloss ; Weight Loss Score Data for Three-way Repeated Measures ANOVA

---------------------->>datasets at spData.R

datasets at R package spData, Datasets for Spatial Analysis

1=afcon=Spatial patterns of conflict in Africa 1966-78
2=africa.rook.nb=Spatial patterns of conflict in Africa 1966-78
3=afxy=Spatial patterns of conflict in Africa 1966-78
4=aggregating_zones=Datasets to illustrate the concept of spatial congruence
5=alaska=Alaska multipolygon
6=auckland=Marshall's infant mortality in Auckland dataset
7=auckland.nb=Marshall's infant mortality in Auckland dataset
8=auckpolys=Marshall's infant mortality in Auckland dataset
9=baltimore=House sales prices, Baltimore, MD 1978
10=bbs=Columbus OH spatial analysis data set
11=boston=Corrected Boston Housing Data
12=boston.c=Corrected Boston Housing Data
13=boston.soi=Corrected Boston Housing Data
14=boston.utm=Corrected Boston Housing Data
15=coffee_data=World coffee production data
16=col.gal.nb=Columbus OH spatial analysis data set
17=columbus=Columbus OH spatial analysis data set
18=congruent=Datasets to illustrate the concept of spatial congruence
19=coords=Columbus OH spatial analysis data set
20=cycle_hire=Cycle hire points in London
21=cycle_hire_osm=Cycle hire points in London from OSM
22=dll=1980 Presidential election results
23=e80_queen=1980 Presidential election results
24=eire=Eire data sets
25=eire.coords.utm=Eire data sets
26=eire.df=Eire data sets
27=eire.nb=Eire data sets
28=eire.polys.utm=Eire data sets
29=elect80=1980 Presidential election results
30=elect80_lw=1980 Presidential election results
31=elev=Artificial elevation raster data set
32=getisord=Getis-Ord remote sensing example data
33=go_x=Getis-Ord remote sensing example data
34=go_xyz=Getis-Ord remote sensing example data
35=go_y=Getis-Ord remote sensing example data
36=grain=Artificial raster dataset representing grain sizes
37=hawaii=Hawaii multipolygon
38=hopkins=Hopkins burnt savanna herb remains
39=house=Lucas county OH housing
40=huddersfield=Prevalence of respiratory symptoms
41=incongruent=Datasets to illustrate the concept of spatial congruence
42=jenks71=Illinois 1959 county gross farm product value per acre
43=k4=1980 Presidential election results
44=listw_NY=New York leukemia data
45=lnd=The boroughs of London
46=LO_nb=Lucas county OH housing
47=nc.sids=North Carolina SIDS data
48=ncCC89.nb=North Carolina SIDS data
49=ncCR85.nb=North Carolina SIDS data
50=new_zealand=Regions in New Zealand
51=nydata=New York leukemia data
52=NY_data=New York leukemia data
53=nz=Regions in New Zealand
54=nz_height=High points in New Zealand
55=paper.nb=Spatial patterns of conflict in Africa 1966-78
56=polys=Columbus OH spatial analysis data set
57=rivers=Small river network in France
58=seine=Small river network in France
59=sidscents=North Carolina SIDS data
60=sidspolys=North Carolina SIDS data
61=SplashDams=Data for Splash Dams in western Oregon
62=state.vbm=US State Visibility Based Map
63=trMat=Lucas county OH housing
64=urban_agglomerations=Major urban areas worldwide
65=usa48.nb=US 1960 used car prices
66=used.cars=US 1960 used car prices
67=us_states=US states polygons
68=us_states_df=the American Community Survey (ACS) data
69=wheat=Mercer and Hall wheat yield data
70=world=World country polygons
71=worldbank_df=World Bank data
72=wrld=World country polygons

---------------------->>datasets at mosaicData

datasets at R package mosaicData

1=Alcohol=Alcohol Consumption per Capita
2=Birthdays=US Births in 1969 - 1988
3=Births=US Births
4=Births2015=US Births in 2015
5=Births78=US Births in 1978
6=card=Standard Deck of Cards
7=Cards=Standard Deck of Cards
10=CPS85=Data from the 1985 Current Population Survey (CPS85)
11=Dimes=Weight of dimes
12=Galton=Galton's dataset of parent and child heights
13=Gestation=Data from the Child Health and Development Studies
14=GoosePermits=Goose Permit Study
15=HeatX=Data from a heat exchanger laboratory
16=HELPfull=Health Evaluation and Linkage to Primary Care
17=HELPmiss=Health Evaluation and Linkage to Primary Care
18=HELPrct=Health Evaluation and Linkage to Primary Care
19=KidsFeet=Foot measurements in children
20=Marriage=Marriage records
21=Mites=Mites and Wilt Disease
22=RailTrail=Volume of Users of a Rail Trail
23=Riders=Volume of Users of a Massachusetts Rail Trail
24=SaratogaHouses=Houses in Saratoga County (2006)
25=SAT=State by State SAT data
26=SnowGR=Snowfall data for Grand Rapids, MI
27=SwimRecords=100 m Swimming World Records
28=TenMileRace=Cherry Blossom Race
29=Utilities=Utility bills
30=Utilities2=Utility bills
32=Whickham=Data from the Whickham survey

---------------------->>datasets at AER.R

datasets at R package AER, Data Sets for Applied Econometrics

1=Affairs=Fair's Extramarital Affairs Data
2=Baltagi2002=Data and Examples from Baltagi (2002)
3=BankWages=Bank Wages
4=BenderlyZwick=Benderly and Zwick Data: Inflation, Growth and Stock Returns
5=BondYield=Bond Yield Data
6=CameronTrivedi1998=Data and Examples from Cameron and Trivedi (1998)
8=CASchools=California Test Score Data
9=ChinaIncome=Chinese Real National Income Data
10=CigarettesB=Cigarette Consumption Data
11=CigarettesSW=Cigarette Consumption Panel Data
12=CollegeDistance=College Distance Data
13=ConsumerGood=Properties of a Fast-Moving Consumer Good
14=CPS1985=Determinants of Wages Data (CPS 1985)
15=CPS1988=Determinants of Wages Data (CPS 1988)
16=CPSSW=Stock and Watson CPS Data Sets
17=CPSSW04=Stock and Watson CPS Data Sets
18=CPSSW3=Stock and Watson CPS Data Sets
19=CPSSW8=Stock and Watson CPS Data Sets
20=CPSSW9204=Stock and Watson CPS Data Sets
21=CPSSW9298=Stock and Watson CPS Data Sets
22=CPSSWEducation=Stock and Watson CPS Data Sets
23=CreditCard=Expenditure and Default Data
24=DJFranses=Dow Jones Index Data (Franses)
25=DJIA8012=Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) index
26=DoctorVisits=Australian Health Service Utilization Data
27=DutchAdvert=TV and Radio Advertising Expenditures Data
28=DutchSales=Dutch Retail Sales Index Data
29=Electricity1955=Cost Function of Electricity Producers (1955, Nerlove Data)
30=Electricity1970=Cost Function of Electricity Producers 1970
31=EquationCitations=Number of Equations and Citations for Evolutionary Biology Publications
32=Equipment=Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Data
33=estfun.ivreg=Methods for Instrumental-Variable Regression
34=EuroEnergy=European Energy Consumption Data
35=Fatalities=US Traffic Fatalities
36=Fertility=Fertility and Women's Labor Supply
37=Fertility2=Fertility and Women's Labor Supply
38=Franses1998=Data and Examples from Franses (1998)
39=FrozenJuice=Price of Frozen Orange Juice
40=GermanUnemployment=Unemployment in Germany Data
41=GoldSilver=Gold and Silver Prices
42=Greene2003=Data and Examples from Greene (2003)
43=GrowthDJ=Determinants of Economic Growth
44=GrowthSW=Determinants of Economic Growth
45=Grunfeld=Grunfeld's Investment Data
46=GSOEP9402=German Socio-Economic Panel 1994-2002
47=GSS7402=US General Social Survey 1974-2002
48=Guns=More Guns, Less Crime?
49=hatvalues.ivreg=Methods for Instrumental-Variable Regression
50=HealthInsurance=Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Data
51=HMDA=Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Data
52=HousePrices=House Prices in the City of Windsor, Canada
53=Journals=Economics Journal Subscription Data
54=KleinI=Klein Model I
55=Longley=Longley's Regression Data
56=ManufactCosts=Manufacturing Costs Data
57=MarkDollar=DEM/USD Exchange Rate Returns
58=MarkPound=DEM/GBP Exchange Rate Returns
59=MASchools=Massachusetts Test Score Data
60=Medicaid1986=Medicaid Utilization Data
61=model.matrix.ivreg=Methods for Instrumental-Variable Regression
62=Mortgage=Fixed versus Adjustable Mortgages
63=MotorCycles=Motor Cycles in The Netherlands
64=MotorCycles2=Motor Cycles in The Netherlands
65=MSCISwitzerland=MSCI Switzerland Index
66=Municipalities=Municipal Expenditure Data
67=MurderRates=Determinants of Murder Rates in the United States
68=NaturalGas=Natural Gas Data
69=NMES1988=Demand for Medical Care in NMES 1988
70=NYSESW=Daily NYSE Composite Index
71=OECDGas=Gasoline Consumption Data
72=OECDGrowth=OECD Macroeconomic Data
73=OlympicTV=Television Rights for Olympic Games
74=OrangeCounty=Orange County Employment
75=Parade2005=Parade Magazine 2005 Earnings Data
76=PepperPrice=Black and White Pepper Prices
77=PhDPublications=Doctoral Publications
78=ProgramEffectiveness=Program Effectiveness Data
79=PSID1976=Labor Force Participation Data
80=PSID1982=PSID Earnings Data 1982
81=PSID7682=PSID Earnings Panel Data (1976-1982)
82=RecreationDemand=Recreation Demand Data
83=ResumeNames=Are Emily and Greg More Employable Than Lakisha and Jamal?
84=ShipAccidents=Ship Accidents
85=SIC33=SIC33 Production Data
86=SmokeBan=Do Workplace Smoking Bans Reduce Smoking?
87=SportsCards=Endowment Effect for Sports Cards
88=STAR=Project STAR: Student-Teacher Achievement Ratio
89=StockWatson2007=Data and Examples from Stock and Watson (2007)
90=StrikeDuration=Strike Durations
91=summary.ivreg=Methods for Instrumental-Variable Regression
92=SwissLabor=Swiss Labor Market Participation Data
93=TeachingRatings=Impact of Beauty on Instructor's Teaching Ratings
94=TechChange=Technological Change Data
95=terms.ivreg=Methods for Instrumental-Variable Regression
96=tobit=Tobit Regression
97=TradeCredit=Trade Credit and the Money Market
98=TravelMode=Travel Mode Choice Data
99=UKInflation=UK Manufacturing Inflation Data
100=UKNonDurables=Consumption of Non-Durables in the UK
101=update.ivreg=Methods for Instrumental-Variable Regression
102=USAirlines=Cost Data for US Airlines
103=USConsump1950=US Consumption Data (1940-1950)
104=USConsump1979=US Consumption Data (1970-1979)
105=USConsump1993=US Consumption Data (1950-1993)
106=USCrudes=US Crudes Data
107=USGasB=US Gasoline Market Data (1950-1987, Baltagi)
108=USGasG=US Gasoline Market Data (1960-1995, Greene)
109=USInvest=US Investment Data
110=USMacroB=US Macroeconomic Data (1959-1995, Baltagi)
111=USMacroG=US Macroeconomic Data (1950-2000, Greene)
112=USMacroSW=US Macroeconomic Data (1957-2005, Stock & Watson)
113=USMacroSWM=Monthly US Macroeconomic Data (1947-2004, Stock & Watson)
114=USMacroSWQ=Quarterly US Macroeconomic Data (1947-2004, Stock & Watson)
116=USProdIndex=Index of US Industrial Production
117=USSeatBelts=Effects of Mandatory Seat Belt Laws in the US
118=USStocksSW=Monthly US Stock Returns (1931-2002, Stock & Watson)
119=WeakInstrument=Artificial Weak Instrument Data
120=WinkelmannBoes2009=Data and Examples from Winkelmann and Boes (2009)

---------------------->>datasets at boot.R

datasets at R package boot, Data Sets for Bootstrap Functions

1=acme=Monthly Excess Returns
2=aids=Delay in AIDS Reporting in England and Wales
3=aircondit=Failures of Air-conditioning Equipment
4=aircondit7=Failures of Air-conditioning Equipment
5=amis=Car Speeding and Warning Signs
6=aml=Remission Times for Acute Myelogenous Leukaemia
7=beaver=Beaver Body Temperature Data
8=bigcity=Population of U.S. Cities
9=brambles=Spatial Location of Bramble Canes
10=breslow=Smoking Deaths Among Doctors
11=calcium=Calcium Uptake Data
12=cane=Sugar-cane Disease Data
13=capability=Simulated Manufacturing Process Data
14=catsM=Weight Data for Domestic Cats
15=cav=Position of Muscle Caveolae
16=cd4=CD4 Counts for HIV-Positive Patients
17=cd4.nested=Nested Bootstrap of cd4 data
18=channing=Channing House Data
19=city=Population of U.S. Cities
20=claridge=Genetic Links to Left-handedness
21=cloth=Number of Flaws in Cloth
22=co.transfer=Carbon Monoxide Transfer
23=coal=Dates of Coal Mining Disasters
24=darwin=Darwin's Plant Height Differences
25=dogs=Cardiac Data for Domestic Dogs
26=downs.bc=Incidence of Down's Syndrome in British Columbia
27=ducks=Behavioral and Plumage Characteristics of Hybrid Ducks
28=fir=Counts of Balsam-fir Seedlings
29=frets=Head Dimensions in Brothers
30=grav=Acceleration Due to Gravity
31=gravity=Acceleration Due to Gravity
32=hirose=Failure Time of PET Film
33=islay=Jura Quartzite Azimuths on Islay
34=manaus=Average Heights of the Rio Negro river at Manaus
35=melanoma=Survival from Malignant Melanoma
36=motor=Data from a Simulated Motorcycle Accident
37=neuro=Neurophysiological Point Process Data
38=nitrofen=Toxicity of Nitrofen in Aquatic Systems
39=nodal=Nodal Involvement in Prostate Cancer
40=nuclear=Nuclear Power Station Construction Data
41=paulsen=Neurotransmission in Guinea Pig Brains
42=poisons=Animal Survival Times
43=polar=Pole Positions of New Caledonian Laterites
44=remission=Cancer Remission and Cell Activity
45=salinity=Water Salinity and River Discharge
46=survival=Survival of Rats after Radiation Doses
47=tau=Tau Particle Decay Modes
48=tuna=Tuna Sighting Data
49=urine=Urine Analysis Data
50=wool=Australian Relative Wool Prices

---------------------->>datasets at ade4.R

datasets at R package ade4, Exploratory and Euclidean Methods in Environmental Sciences

1=abouheif.eg=Phylogenies and quantitative traits from Abouheif
2=acacia=Spatial pattern analysis in plant communities
3=aminoacyl=Codon usage
4=apis108=Allelic frequencies in ten honeybees populations at eight microsatellites loci
5=aravo=Distribution of Alpine plants in Aravo (Valloire, France)
6=ardeche=Fauna Table with double (row and column) partitioning
7=arrival=Arrivals at an intensive care unit
8=atlas=Small Ecological Dataset
9=atya=Genetic variability of Cacadors
10=avijons=Bird species distribution
11=avimedi=Fauna Table for Constrained Ordinations
12=aviurba=Ecological Tables Triplet
13=bacteria=Genomes of 43 Bacteria
14=banque=Table of Factors
15=baran95=African Estuary Fishes
16=bf88=Cubic Ecological Data
17=bordeaux=Wine Tasting
18=bsetal97=Ecological and Biological Traits
19=buech=Buech basin
20=butterfly=Genetics-Ecology-Environment Triple
21=capitales=Road Distances
22=carni19=Phylogeny and quantative trait of carnivora
23=carni70=Phylogeny and quantitative traits of carnivora
24=carniherbi49=Taxonomy, phylogenies and quantitative traits of carnivora and herbivora
25=casitas=Enzymatic polymorphism in Mus musculus
26=chatcat=Qualitative Weighted Variables
27=chats=Pair of Variables
29=chevaine=Enzymatic polymorphism in Leuciscus cephalus
30=chickenk=Veterinary epidemiological study to assess the risk factors for losses in broiler chickens
31=clementines=Fruit Production
32=cnc2003=Frequenting movie theaters in France in 2003
33=coleo=Table of Fuzzy Biological Traits
34=corvus=Corvus morphology
35=deug=Exam marks for some students
36=doubs=Pair of Ecological Tables
37=dunedata=Dune Meadow Data
38=ecg=Electrocardiogram data
39=ecomor=Ecomorphological Convergence
40=elec88=Electoral Data
41=escopage=K-tables of wine-tasting
42=euro123=Triangular Data
43=fission=Fission pattern and heritable morphological traits
44=friday87=Faunistic K-tables
45=fruits=Pair of Tables
46=ggtortoises=Microsatellites of Galapagos tortoises populations
47=granulo=Granulometric Curves
48=hdpg=Genetic Variation In Human Populations
49=housetasks=Contingency Table
50=humDNAm=human mitochondrial DNA restriction data
51=ichtyo=Point sampling of fish community
52=irishdata=Geary's Irish Data
53=julliot=Seed dispersal
54=jv73=K-tables Multi-Regions
55=kcponds=Ponds in a nature reserve
56=lascaux=Genetic/Environment and types of variables
57=lizards=Phylogeny and quantitative traits of lizards
59=macon=Wine Tasting
60=macroloire=Assemblages of Macroinvertebrates in the Loire River (France)
61=mafragh=Phyto-Ecological Survey
62=maples=Phylogeny and quantitative traits of flowers
63=mariages=Correspondence Analysis Table
64=meau=Ecological Data : sites-variables, sites-species, where and when
65=meaudret=Ecological Data : sites-variables, sites-species, where and when
66=microsatt=Genetic Relationships between cattle breeds with microsatellites
67=mjrochet=Phylogeny and quantitative traits of teleos fishes
68=mollusc=Faunistic Communities and Sampling Experiment
69=monde84=Global State of the World in 1984
70=morphosport=Athletes' Morphology
71=newick.eg=Phylogenetic trees in Newick format
72=njplot=Phylogeny and trait of bacteria
73=olympic=Olympic Decathlon
74=oribatid=Oribatid mite
75=ours=A table of Qualitative Variables
76=palm=Phylogenetic and quantitative traits of amazonian palm trees
77=pap=Taxonomy and quantitative traits of carnivora
78=pcw=Distribution of of tropical trees along the Panama canal
79=perthi02=Contingency Table with a partition in Molecular Biology
80=piosphere=Plant traits response to grazing
81=presid2002=Results of the French presidential elections of 2002
82=procella=Phylogeny and quantitative traits of birds
83=rankrock=Ordination Table
84=rhizobium=Genetic structure of two nitrogen fixing bacteria influenced by geographical isolation and host specialization
85=rhone=Physico-Chemistry Data
86=rpjdl=Avifauna and Vegetation
87=santacatalina=Indirect Ordination
88=sarcelles=Array of Recapture of Rings
89=seconde=Students and Subjects
90=skulls=Morphometric Evolution
91=steppe=Transect in the Vegetation
92=syndicats=Two Questions asked on a Sample of 1000 Respondents
93=t3012=Average temperatures of 30 French cities
94=tarentaise=Mountain Avifauna
95=taxo.eg=Examples of taxonomy
96=tintoodiel=Tinto and Odiel estuary geochemistry
97=tithonia=Phylogeny and quantitative traits of flowers
98=tortues=Morphological Study of the Painted Turtle
99=toxicity=Homogeneous Table
100=trichometeo=Pair of Ecological Data
101=ungulates=Phylogeny and quantitative traits of ungulates.
102=vegtf=Vegetation in Trois-Fontaines
103=veuvage=Example for Centring in PCA
104=westafrica=Freshwater fish zoogeography in west Africa
105=woangers=Plant assemblages in woodlands of the conurbation of Angers (France)
106=worksurv=French Worker Survey (1970)
107=yanomama=Distance Matrices
108=zealand=Road distances in New-Zealand

---------------------->>datasets at agricolae.R

datasets at R package agricolae, Data Sets for Agricultural Research

1=Chz2006=Data amendment Carhuaz 2006
2=Hco2006=Data amendment Huanuco 2006
3=RioChillon=Data and analysis Mother and baby trials
4=ComasOxapampa=Data AUDPC Comas - Oxapampa
5=plrv=Data clones from the PLRV population
6=disease=Data evaluation of the disease overtime
7=sinRepAmmi=Data for AMMI without repetition
8=plots=Data for an analysis in split-plot
9=grass=Data for Friedman test
10=CIC=Data for late blight of potatoes
11=DC=Data for the analysis of carolina genetic design
12=Glycoalkaloids=Data Glycoalkaloids
13=growth=Data growth of trees
14=greenhouse=Data in greenhouse
15=LxT=Data Line by tester
16=ralstonia=Data of assessment of the population in the soil R.solanacearum
17=haynes=Data of AUDPC for nonparametrical stability analysis
18=wilt=Data of Bacterial Wilt (AUDPC) and soil
19=corn=Data of corn
20=cotton=Data of cotton
21=potato=Data of cutting
22=frijol=Data of frijol
23=rice=Data of Grain yield of rice variety IR8
24=markers=Data of molecular markers
25=natives=Data of native potato
26=paracsho=Data of Paracsho biodiversity
27=genxenv=Data of potato yield in a different environment
28=heterosis=Data of potato, Heterosis
29=clay=Data of Ralstonia population in clay soil
30=soil=Data of soil analysis for 13 localities
31=sweetpotato=Data of sweetpotato yield
32=melon=Data of yield of melon in a Latin square experiment
33=pamCIP=Data Potato Wild
34=yacon=Data Yacon

---------------------->>datasets at DAAG.R

datasets at R package DAAG

1=ACF1=Aberrant Crypt Foci in Rat Colons
2=ais=Australian athletes data set
3=allbacks=Measurements on a Selection of Books
4=anesthetic=Anesthetic Effectiveness
5=ant111b=Averages by block of corn yields, for treatment 111 only
6=antigua=Averages by block of yields for the Antigua Corn data
7=appletaste=Tasting experiment that compared four apple varieties
8=audists=Road distances between 10 Australian cities
9=aulatlong=Latitudes and longitudes for ten Australian cities
10=austpop=Population figures for Australian States and Territories
11=biomass=Biomass Data
12=bomregions=Australian and Related Historical Annual Climate Data, by region
13=bomregions2011=Australian and Related Historical Annual Climate Data, by region
14=bomregions2012=Australian and Related Historical Annual Climate Data, by region
15=bomsoi=Southern Oscillation Index Data
16=bomsoi2001=Southern Oscillation Index Data
17=bostonc=Boston Housing Data - Corrected
18=carprice=US Car Price Data
19=Cars93.summary=A Summary of the Cars93 Data set
20=cerealsugar=Percentage of Sugar in Breakfast Cereal
21=cfseal=Cape Fur Seal Data
22=cities=Populations of Major Canadian Cities (1992-96)
23=codling=Dose-mortality data, for fumigation of codling moth with methyl bromide
24=cottonworkers=Occupation and wage profiles of British cotton workers
25=cps1=Labour Training Evaluation Data
26=cps2=Labour Training Evaluation Data
27=cps3=Labour Training Evaluation Data
28=cricketer=Lifespans of UK 1st class cricketers born 1840-1960
29=cuckoohosts=Comparison of cuckoo eggs with host eggs
30=cuckoos=Cuckoo Eggs Data
31=DAAGxdb=List, each of whose elements hold rows of a file, in character format
32=dengue=Dengue prevalence, by administrative region
33=dewpoint=Dewpoint Data
34=droughts=Periods Between Rain Events
35=edcCO2=EPICA Dome C Ice Core 800KYr Carbon Dioxide Data
36=edcT=EPICA Dome C Ice Core 800KYr Temperature Estimates
37=elastic1=Elastic Band Data Replicated
38=elastic2=Elastic Band Data Replicated Again
39=elasticband=Elastic Band Data
40=fossilfuel=Fossil Fuel Data
41=fossum=Female Possum Measurements
42=frogs=Frogs Data
43=frostedflakes=Frosted Flakes data
44=fruitohms=Electrical Resistance of Kiwi Fruit
45=gaba=Effect of pentazocine on post-operative pain (average VAS scores)
46=geophones=Seismic Timing Data
47=greatLakes=Yearly averages of Great Lake heights: 1918 - 2009
48=grog=Alcohol consumption in Australia and New Zealand
49=head.injury=Minor Head Injury (Simulated) Data
50=headInjury=Minor Head Injury (Simulated) Data
51=hills=Scottish Hill Races Data
52=hills2000=Scottish Hill Races Data - 2000
53=hotspots=Hawaian island chain hotspot Potassium-Argon ages
54=hotspots2006=Hawaian island chain hotspot Argon-Argon ages
55=houseprices=Aranda House Prices
56=humanpower1=Oxygen uptake versus mechanical power, for humans
57=humanpower2=Oxygen uptake versus mechanical power, for humans
58=hurricNamed=Named US Atlantic Hurricanes
59=intersalt=Blood pressure versus Salt; inter-population data
60=ironslag=Iron Content Measurements
61=jobs=Canadian Labour Force Summary Data (1995-96)
62=kiwishade=Kiwi Shading Data
63=leafshape=Full Leaf Shape Data Set
64=leafshape17=Subset of Leaf Shape Data Set
65=leaftemp=Leaf and Air Temperature Data
66=leaftemp.all=Full Leaf and Air Temperature Data Set
67=litters=Mouse Litters
68=Lottario=Ontario Lottery Data
69=lung=Cape Fur Seal Lung Measurements
70=Manitoba.lakes=The Nine Largest Lakes in Manitoba
71=measles=Deaths in London from measles
72=medExpenses=Family Medical Expenses
73=mifem=Mortality Outcomes for Females Suffering Myocardial Infarction
74=mignonette=Darwin's Wild Mignonette Data
75=milk=Milk Sweetness Study
76=modelcars=Model Car Data
77=monica=WHO Monica Data
78=moths=Moths Data
79=nassCDS=Airbag and other influences on accident fatalities
80=nasshead=Documentation of names of columns in nass9702cor
81=nihills=Record times for Northern Ireland mountain running events
82=nsw74demo=Labour Training Evaluation Data
83=nsw74psid1=Labour Training Evaluation Data
84=nsw74psid3=Labour Training Evaluation Data
85=nsw74psidA=A Subset of the nsw74psid1 Data Set
86=nswdemo=Labour Training Evaluation Data
87=nswpsid1=Labour Training Evaluation Data
88=oddbooks=Measurements on 12 books
89=orings=Challenger O-rings Data
90=ozone=Ozone Data
91=pair65=Heated Elastic Bands
92=possum=Possum Measurements
93=possumsites=Possum Sites
94=poxetc=Deaths from various causes, in London from 1629 till 1881, with gaps
95=primates=Primate Body and Brain Weights
96=progression=Progression of Record times for track races, 1912 - 2008
97=psid1=Labour Training Evaluation Data
98=psid2=Labour Training Evaluation Data
99=psid3=Labour Training Evaluation Data
100=races2000=Scottish Hill Races Data - 2000
101=rainforest=Rainforest Data
102=rareplants=Rare and Endangered Plant Species
103=rice=Genetically Modified and Wild Type Rice Data
104=rockArt=Pacific Rock Art features
105=roller=Lawn Roller Data
106=science=School Science Survey Data
107=seedrates=Barley Seeding Rate Data
108=socsupport=Social Support Data
109=softbacks=Measurements on a Selection of Paperback Books
110=sorption=sorption data set
111=SP500close=Closing Numbers for S and P 500 Index
112=SP500W90=Closing Numbers for S and P 500 Index - First 100 Days of 1990
113=spam7=Spam E-mail Data
114=stVincent=Averages by block of yields for the St. Vincent Corn data
115=sugar=Sugar Data
116=tinting=Car Window Tinting Experiment Data
117=tomato=Root weights of tomato plants exposed to 4 different treatments
118=toycars=Toy Cars Data
119=two65=Unpaired Heated Elastic Bands
120=vince111b=Averages by block of corn yields, for treatment 111 only
121=vlt=Video Lottery Terminal Data
122=wages1833=Wages of Lancashire Cotton Factory Workers in 1833
123=whoops=Deaths from whooping cough, in London
124=worldRecords=Record times for track and road races, at August 9th 2006
125=zzDAAGxdb=List, each of whose elements hold rows of a file, in character format

---------------------->>datasets at HH.R

datasets at R package HH, Data Sets BY Heiberger and Holland

1=abc=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
2=abrasion=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
3=acacia=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
4=aeanonym=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
5=AEdata=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
6=animal=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
7=anneal=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
8=apple=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
9=ara=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
10=AudiencePercent=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
11=balance=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
12=barleyp=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
13=batch=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
14=bean=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
15=birthweight=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
16=blood=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
17=blyth=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
18=breast=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
19=budworm=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
20=byss=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
21=c3c4=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
22=catalystm=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
23=cc135=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
24=cc176=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
25=cement=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
26=census4=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
27=cereals=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
28=chimp=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
29=circuit=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
30=co2=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
31=col3x2=col3x2 color dataset
32=concord=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
33=crash=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
34=crime=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
35=darwin=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
36=Design_2.8_2=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
37=diamond=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
38=Discrete4=Discrete with four levels color dataset.
39=display=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
40=distress=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
41=draft=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
42=draft70mn=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
43=drunk=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
44=eggs=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
45=elnino=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
46=employM16=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
47=energy=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
48=esr=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
49=fabricwear=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
50=fat=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
51=fat.dat=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
52=feed=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
53=filmcoat=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
54=filter=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
55=fruitflies=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
56=furnace=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
57=girlht=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
58=glasses=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
59=golf=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
60=gum=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
61=gunload=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
62=har1=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
63=har2=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
64=har3=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
65=hardness=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
66=heartvalve=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
67=hooppine=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
68=hospital=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
69=hotdog=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
70=houseprice=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
71=hpErie=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
72=htwt=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
73=iceskate=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
74=icu=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
75=income=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
76=inconsistent=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
77=intubate=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
78=ironpot=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
79=jury=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
80=kangaroo=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
81=kidney=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
82=kyphosis=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
83=lake=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
84=leukemia=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
85=lft.asat=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
86=lifeins=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
87=longley=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
88=lymph=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
89=maiz=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
90=manhours=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
91=market=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
92=mice=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
93=mileage=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
94=mortality=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
95=mpg=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
96=muscle=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
97=njgolf=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
98=normtemp=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
99=notch=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
100=NZScienceTeaching=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
101=oats=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
102=odoffna=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
103=operator=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
104=oral=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
105=ozone=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
106=paper=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
107=patient=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
108=plasma=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
109=political=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
110=PoorChildren=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
111=potency=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
112=pox=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
113=product=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
114=ProfChal=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
115=ProfDiv=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
116=psycho=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
117=pulmonary=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
118=pulse=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
119=R282=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
120=R282.y=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
121=radioact=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
122=rent=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
123=retard=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
124=rhiz.alfalfa=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
125=rhiz.clover=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
126=rhizobium1=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
127=rhizobium3=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
128=salary=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
129=salinity=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
130=salk=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
131=seeding=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
132=selfexam=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
133=SFF8121=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
134=shipment=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
135=sickle=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
136=skateslc=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
137=smokers=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
138=spacshu=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
139=spindle=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
140=sprint=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
141=stopdist=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
142=surface=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
143=tablet1=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
144=teachers=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
145=testing=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
146=testscore=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
147=tires=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
148=tongue=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
149=tser.mystery.X=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
150=tser.mystery.Y=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
151=tser.mystery.Z=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
152=tsq=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
153=turkey=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
154=tv=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
155=usair=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
156=uscrime=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
157=vocab=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
158=vulcan=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
159=washday=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
160=water=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
161=weightloss=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
162=weld=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
163=wheat=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
164=wool=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
165=workstation=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
166=yates=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland
167=yatesppl=Datasets for Statistical Analysis and Data Display, Heiberger and Holland

---------------------->>datasets at HSAUR2.R

datasets at R package HSAUR2, Data Sets at A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R

1=agefat=Total Body Composision Data
2=aspirin=Aspirin Data
3=backpain=Driving and Back Pain Data
4=BCG=BCG Vaccine Data
5=birthdeathrates=Birth and Death Rates Data
6=bladdercancer=Bladder Cancer Data
7=BtheB=Beat the Blues Data
8=CHFLS=Chinese Health and Family Life Survey
9=clouds=Cloud Seeding Data
10=CYGOB1=CYG OB1 Star Cluster Data
11=epilepsy=Epilepsy Data
12=Forbes2000=The Forbes 2000 Ranking of the World's Biggest Companies (Year 2004)
13=foster=Foster Feeding Experiment
14=gardenflowers=Garden Flowers
15=GHQ=General Health Questionnaire
16=heptathlon=Olympic Heptathlon Seoul 1988
17=household=Household Expenditure Data
18=Lanza=Prevention of Gastointestinal Damages
19=mastectomy=Survival Times after Mastectomy of Breast Cancer Patients
20=men1500m=Winners of the Olympic Men's 1500m
21=meteo=Meteorological Measurements for 11 Years
22=orallesions=Oral Lesions in Rural India
23=phosphate=Phosphate Level Data
24=pistonrings=Piston Rings Failures
25=planets=Exoplanets Data
26=plasma=Blood Screening Data
27=polyps=Familial Andenomatous Polyposis
28=polyps3=Familial Andenomatous Polyposis
29=pottery=Romano-British Pottery Data
30=rearrests=Rearrests of Juvenile Felons
31=respiratory=Respiratory Illness Data
32=roomwidth=Students Estimates of Lecture Room Width
33=schizophrenia=Age of Onset of Schizophrenia Data
34=schizophrenia2=Schizophrenia Data
35=schooldays=Days not Spent at School
36=skulls=Egyptian Skulls
37=smoking=Nicotine Gum and Smoking Cessation
38=students=Student Risk Taking
39=suicides=Crowd Baiting Behaviour and Suicides
40=suicides2=Male Suicides Data
41=toenail=Toenail Infection Data
42=toothpaste=Toothpaste Data
43=USairpollution=Air Pollution in US Cities
44=USmelanoma=USA Malignant Melanoma Data
45=USstates=US States
46=voting=House of Representatives Voting Data
47=water=Mortality and Water Hardness
48=watervoles=Water Voles Data
49=waves=Electricity from Wave Power at Sea
50=weightgain=Gain in Weight of Rats
51=womensrole=Womens Role in Society

---------------------->>datasets at languageR.R

datasets at R package languageR, Analyzing Linguistic Data

1=affixProductivity=Affix productivity
2=alice=Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
3=auxiliaries=Auxiliaries for regular and irregular verbs in Dutch
4=beginningReaders=Visual lexical decision with beginning readers
5=danish=Danish auditory lexical decision
6=dative=Dative Alternation
7=dativeSimplified=Dative Alternation - simplified data set
8=durationsGe=Durational measurements on the Dutch prefix ge-
9=durationsOnt=Durational measurements on the Dutch prefix ont-
10=dutchSpeakersDist=Cross-entropy based distances between speakers
11=dutchSpeakersDistMeta=Metadata for dutchSpeakersDist
12=english=English visual lexical decision and naming latencies
13=etymology=Etymological age and regularity in Dutch
14=faz=Frankfurter frequencies
15=finalDevoicing=Final Devoicing in Dutch
16=havelaar=The determiner 'het' in the Dutch novel Max Havelaar
17=heid=Lexical decision latencies for words ending in -heid
18=imaging=fMRI Filtered Signal and Priming Scores for Brain-Damaged Patients
19=latinsquare=Simulated Latin Square data set with subjects and items
20=lexdec=Lexical decision latencies for 79 English nouns
21=lexicalMeasures=Lexical measures for 2233 English monomorphemic words
22=lexicalMeasuresClasses=Classification of lexical measures
23=moby=Moby Dick
24=nesscg=Frequency spectrum for -ness in the demographic BNC
25=nessdemog=Frequency spectrum for -ness in the context-governed BNC
26=nessw=Frequency spectrum for -ness in the written BNC
27=oldFrench=Frequencies of tag trigrams in Old French texts
28=oldFrenchMeta=Meta data for the oldFrench data
29=oz=The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
30=periphrasticDo=The development of periphrastic do in English
31=phylogeny=Phylogenetic relations between Papuan and Oceanic languages
32=primingHeid=Primed lexical decision latencies for neologisms ending in -heid
33=primingHeidPrevRT=Primed lexical decision latencies for neologisms ending in -heid
34=quasif=Simulated data set with subjects and items requiring quasi-F ratios
35=ratings=Ratings for 81 English nouns
36=regularity=Regular and irregular Dutch verbs
37=selfPacedReadingHeid=Self-paced reading latencies for Dutch neologisms
38=shrinkage=Data set illustrating shrinkage
39=sizeRatings=Size ratings for 81 English concrete nouns
40=spanish=Relative frequencies of tag trigrams is selected Spanish texts
41=spanishFunctionWords=Relative frequencies of function words in selected Spanish texts
42=spanishMeta=Metadata for the spanish and spanishFunctionWords data sets
43=splitplot=Simulated data set with split plot design
44=through=Through the Looking Glass
45=twente=Frequency spectrum for the Twente News Corpus
46=variationLijk=Variation in spoken Dutch in the use of the suffix -lijk
47=ver=The Dutch prefix ver-: semantic transparency and frequency
48=verbs=Dative Alternation - simplified data set
49=warlpiri=Ergative case marking in Warlpiri
50=weightRatings=Subjective estimates of the weight of the referents of 81 English nouns
51=writtenVariationLijk=Variation in written Dutch in the use of the suffix -lijk

---------------------->>datasets at vcd.R

datasets at R package vcd and vcdExtra, Categorical Data

1=Abortion=Abortion Opinion Data
2=Accident=Traffic Accident Victims in France in 1958
3=AirCrash=Air Crash Data
4=Alligator=Alligator Food Choice
5=Arthritis=Arthritis Treatment Data
6=Bartlett=Bartlett data on plum root cuttings
7=Baseball=Baseball Data
8=BrokenMarriage=Broken Marriage Data
9=Bundesliga=Ergebnisse der Fussball-Bundesliga
10=Bundestag2005=Votes in German Bundestag Election 2005
11=Burt=Burt (1950) Data on Hair, Eyes, Head and Stature
12=Butterfly=Butterfly Species in Malaya
13=Caesar=Risk Factors for Infection in Caesarian Births
14=Cancer=Survival of Breast Cancer Patients
15=CoalMiners=Breathlessness and Wheeze in Coal Miners
16=Cormorants=Advertising Behavior by Males Cormorants
17=CyclingDeaths=London Cycling Deaths
18=DanishWelfare=Danish Welfare Study Data
19=DaytonSurvey=Dayton Student Survey on Substance Use
20=Depends=Dependencies of R Packages
21=Detergent=Detergent preference data
22=Donner=Survival in the Donner Party
23=Draft1970=USA 1970 Draft Lottery Data
24=Draft1970table=USA 1970 Draft Lottery Table
25=Dyke=Sources of Knowledge of Cancer
26=Employment=Employment Status
27=Federalist='May' in Federalist Papers
28=Fungicide=Carcinogenic Effects of a Fungicide
29=Geissler=Geissler's Data on the Human Sex Ratio
30=Gilby=Clothing and Intelligence Rating of Children
31=Glass=British Social Mobility from Glass(1954)
32=GSS=General Social Survey- Sex and Party affiliation
33=HairEyePlace=Hair Color and Eye Color in Caithness and Aberdeen
34=Hauser79=Hauser (1979) Data on Social Mobility
35=Heart=Sex, Occupation and Heart Disease
36=Heckman=Labour Force Participation of Married Women 1967-1971
37=Hitters=Hitters Data
38=HorseKicks=Death by Horse Kicks
39=Hospital=Hospital data
40=HospVisits=Hospital Visits Data
41=Hoyt=Minnesota High School Graduates
42=ICU=ICU data set
43=JobSat=Cross-classification of job satisfaction by income
44=JobSatisfaction=Job Satisfaction Data
45=JointSports=Opinions About Joint Sports
46=Lifeboats=Lifeboats on the Titanic
47=Mammograms=Mammogram Ratings
48=Mental=Mental impariment and parents SES
49=Mice=Mice Depletion Data
50=Mobility=Social Mobility data
51=MSPatients=Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis
52=NonResponse=Non-Response Survey Data
53=OvaryCancer=Ovary Cancer Data
54=PhdPubs=Publications of PhD Candidates
55=PreSex=Pre-marital Sex and Divorce
56=Punishment=Corporal Punishment Data
57=RepVict=Repeat Victimization Data
58=Rochdale=Rochdale Data
59=Saxony=Families in Saxony
60=SexualFun=Sex is Fun
61=ShakeWords=Shakespeare's Word Type Frequencies
62=SpaceShuttle=Space Shuttle O-ring Failures
63=Suicide=Suicide Rates in Germany
64=Titanicp=Passengers on the Titanic
65=Toxaemia=Toxaemia Symptoms in Pregnancy
66=Trucks=Truck Accidents Data
67=TV=TV Viewing Data
68=UKSoccer=UK Soccer Scores
69=Vietnam=Student Opinion about the Vietnam War
70=VisualAcuity=Visual Acuity in Left and Right Eyes
71=VonBort=Von Bortkiewicz Horse Kicks Data
72=Vote1980=Race and Politics in the 1980 Presidential Vote
73=WeldonDice=Weldon's Dice Data
74=WomenQueue=Women in Queues
75=WorkerSat=Worker Satisfaction Data
76=Yamaguchi87=Occupational Mobility in Three Countries

---------------------->>datasets at VGAM.R

datasets at R package VGAM, Data for Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models

1=alclevels=Crashes on New Zealand Roads in 2009
2=alcoff=Crashes on New Zealand Roads in 2009
3=auuc=Auckland University Undergraduate Counts Data
4=backPain=Data on Back Pain Prognosis, from Anderson (1984)
5=backPain2=Data on Back Pain Prognosis, from Anderson (1984)
6=beggs=Bacon and Eggs Data
7=bmi.nz=Body Mass Index of New Zealand Adults Data
8=car.all=Undocumented and Internally Used Functions and Classes
9=cfibrosis=Cystic Fibrosis Data
10=chest.nz=Chest Pain in NZ Adults Data
11=chinese.nz=Chinese Population in New Zealand 1867-2001 Data
12=coalminers=Breathlessness and Wheeze Amongst Coalminers Data
13=corbet=Corbet's Butterfly Data
14=crashbc=Crashes on New Zealand Roads in 2009
15=crashf=Crashes on New Zealand Roads in 2009
16=crashi=Crashes on New Zealand Roads in 2009
17=crashmc=Crashes on New Zealand Roads in 2009
18=crashp=Crashes on New Zealand Roads in 2009
19=crashtr=Crashes on New Zealand Roads in 2009
20=deermice=Captures of Peromyscus maniculatus (Also Known as Deer Mice).
21=ducklings=Relative Frequencies of Serum Proteins in White Pekin Ducklings
22=enzyme=Enzyme Data
23=finney44=Toxicity trial for insects
24=flourbeetle=Mortality of Flour Beetles from Carbon Disulphide
25=gew=General Electric and Westinghouse Data
26=grain.us=Grain Prices Data in USA
27=hormone=Hormone Assay Data
28=hspider=Hunting Spider Data
29=Huggins89.t1=Table 1 of Huggins (1989)
30=Huggins89table1=Table 1 of Huggins (1989)
31=hunua=Hunua Ranges Data
32=lakeO=Annual catches on Lake Otamangakau from October 1974 to October 1989
33=leukemia=Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Survival Data
34=lirat=Low-iron Rat Teratology Data
35=machinists=Machinists Accidents
36=marital.nz=New Zealand Marital Data
37=melbmaxtemp=Melbourne Daily Maximum Temperatures
38=olym08=2008 and 2012 Summer Olympic Final Medal Count Data
39=olym12=2008 and 2012 Summer Olympic Final Medal Count Data
40=oxtemp=Oxford Temperature Data
41=pneumo=Pneumoconiosis in Coalminers Data
42=prats=Pregnant Rats Toxological Experiment Data
43=prinia=Yellow-bellied Prinia
44=ruge=Rutherford-Geiger Polonium Data
45=toxop=Toxoplasmosis Data
46=ucberk=University California Berkeley Graduate Admissions
47=V1=V1 Flying-Bombs Hits in London
48=venice=Venice Maximum Sea Levels Data
49=venice90=Venice Maximum Sea Levels Data
50=waitakere=Waitakere Ranges Data
51=wine=Bitterness in Wine Data

---------------------->>datasets at carData.R

datasets at R package carData, Applied Regression Data Sets

1=Adler=Experimenter Expectations
2=AMSsurvey=American Math Society Survey Data
3=Angell=Moral Integration of American Cities
4=Anscombe=U. S. State Public-School Expenditures
5=Arrests=Arrests for Marijuana Possession
6=Baumann=Methods of Teaching Reading Comprehension
7=BEPS=British Election Panel Study
8=Bfox=Canadian Women's Labour-Force Participation
9=Blackmore=Exercise Histories of Eating-Disordered and Control Subjects
10=Burt=Fraudulent Data on IQs of Twins Raised Apart
11=CanPop=Canadian Population Data
12=CES11=2011 Canadian National Election Study, With Attitude Toward Abortion
13=Chile=Voting Intentions in the 1988 Chilean Plebiscite
14=Chirot=The 1907 Romanian Peasant Rebellion
15=Cowles=Cowles and Davis's Data on Volunteering
16=Davis=Self-Reports of Height and Weight
17=DavisThin=Davis's Data on Drive for Thinness
18=Depredations=Minnesota Wolf Depredation Data
19=Duncan=Duncan's Occupational Prestige Data
20=Ericksen=The 1980 U.S. Census Undercount
21=Florida=Florida County Voting
22=Freedman=Crowding and Crime in U. S. Metropolitan Areas
23=Friendly=Format Effects on Recall
24=Ginzberg=Data on Depression
25=Greene=Refugee Appeals
26=GSSvocab=Data from the General Social Survey (GSS) from the National Opinion Research Center of the University of Chicago.
27=Guyer=Anonymity and Cooperation
28=Hartnagel=Canadian Crime-Rates Time Series
29=Highway1=Highway Accidents
30=KosteckiDillon=Treatment of Migraine Headaches
31=Leinhardt=Data on Infant-Mortality
32=LoBD=Cancer drug data use to provide an example of the use of the skew power distributions.
33=Mandel=Contrived Collinear Data
34=Migration=Canadian Interprovincial Migration Data
35=Moore=Status, Authoritarianism, and Conformity
36=MplsDemo=Minneapolis Demographic Data 2015, by Neighborhood
37=MplsStops=Minneapolis Police Department 2017 Stop Data
38=Mroz=U.S. Women's Labor-Force Participation
39=OBrienKaiser=O'Brien and Kaiser's Repeated-Measures Data
40=Ornstein=Interlocking Directorates Among Major Canadian Firms
41=Pottery=Chemical Composition of Pottery
42=pressure=Vapor Pressure of Mercury as a Function of Temperature
43=Prestige=Prestige of Canadian Occupations
44=Puromycin=Reaction Velocity of an Enzymatic Reaction
45=quakes=Locations of Earthquakes off Fiji
46=Quartet=Four Regression Datasets
47=randu=Random Numbers from Congruential Generator RANDU
48=rivers=Lengths of Major North American Rivers
49=Robey=Fertility and Contraception
50=rock=Measurements on Petroleum Rock Samples
51=Rossi=Rossi et al.'s Criminal Recidivism Data
52=Sahlins=Agricultural Production in Mazulu Village
53=Salaries=Salaries for Professors
54=Seatbelts=Road Casualties in Great Britain 1969-84
55=sleep=Student's Sleep Data
56=SLID=Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics
57=Soils=Soil Compositions of Physical and Chemical Characteristics
58=stack.loss (stackloss)=Brownlee's Stack Loss Plant Data
59=stack.x (stackloss)=Brownlee's Stack Loss Plant Data
60=stackloss=Brownlee's Stack Loss Plant Data
61=state.abb (state)=US State Facts and Figures
62=state.area (state)=US State Facts and Figures
63=state.center (state)=US State Facts and Figures
64=state.division (state)=US State Facts and Figures
65=state.name (state)=US State Facts and Figures
66=state.region (state)=US State Facts and Figures
67=state.x77 (state)=US State Facts and Figures
68=States=Education and Related Statistics for the U.S. States
69=sunspot.month=Monthly Sunspot Data, from 1749 to 'Present'
70=sunspot.year=Yearly Sunspot Data, 1700-1988
71=sunspots=Monthly Sunspot Numbers, 1749-1983
72=swiss=Swiss Fertility and Socioeconomic Indicators (1888) Data
73=Theoph=Pharmacokinetics of Theophylline
74=Titanic=Survival of passengers on the Titanic
75=TitanicSurvival=Survival of Passengers on the Titanic
76=ToothGrowth=The Effect of Vitamin C on Tooth Growth in Guinea Pigs
77=Transact=Transaction data
78=treering=Yearly Treering Data, -6000-1979
79=trees=Diameter, Height and Volume for Black Cherry Trees
80=UCBAdmissions=Student Admissions at UC Berkeley
81=UKDriverDeaths=Road Casualties in Great Britain 1969-84
82=UKgas=UK Quarterly Gas Consumption
83=UN=National Statistics from the United Nations, Mostly From 2009-2011
84=UN98=United Nations Social Indicators Data 1998]
85=USAccDeaths=Accidental Deaths in the US 1973-1978
86=USArrests=Violent Crime Rates by US State
87=UScitiesD=Distances Between European Cities and Between US Cities
88=USJudgeRatings=Lawyers' Ratings of State Judges in the US Superior Court
89=USPersonalExpenditure=Personal Expenditure Data
90=USPop=Population of the United States
91=uspop=Populations Recorded by the US Census
92=VADeaths=Death Rates in Virginia (1940)
93=Vocab=Vocabulary and Education
94=volcano=Topographic Information on Auckland's Maunga Whau Volcano
95=warpbreaks=The Number of Breaks in Yarn during Weaving
96=WeightLoss=Weight Loss Data
97=Wells=Well Switching in Bangladesh
98=women=Average Heights and Weights for American Women
99=Womenlf=Canadian Women's Labour-Force Participation
100=Wong=Post-Coma Recovery of IQ
101=Wool=Wool data
102=WorldPhones=The World's Telephones
103=WVS=World Values Surveys
104=WWWusage=Internet Usage per Minute

---------------------->>datasets at metafor.R

datasets at R package metafor, Meta-Analysis Data Sets

1=dat.bangertdrowns2004=Studies on the Effectiveness of Writing-to-Learn Interventions
2=dat.bcg=Studies on the Effectiveness of the BCG Vaccine Against Tuberculosis
3=dat.begg1989=Studies on Bone-Marrow Transplantation versus Chemotherapy for the Treatment of Leukemia
4=dat.berkey1998=Studies on Treatments for Periodontal Disease
5=dat.bonett2010=Studies on the Reliability of the CES-D Scale
6=dat.bourassa1996=Studies on the Association between Handedness and Eye-Dominance
7=dat.colditz1994=Studies on the Effectiveness of the BCG Vaccine Against Tuberculosis
8=dat.collins1985a=Studies on the Treatment of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding by a Histamine H2 Antagonist
9=dat.collins1985b=Studies on the Effects of Diuretics in Pregnancy
10=dat.curtis1998=Studies on the Effects of Elevated CO2 Levels on Woody Plant Mass
11=dat.debruin2009=Studies on Standard Care Quality and HAART-Adherence
12=dat.egger2001=Studies on the Effectiveness of Intravenous Magnesium in Acute Myocardial Infarction
13=dat.fine1993=Studies on Radiation Therapy with or without Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients with Malignant Gliomas
14=dat.gibson2002=Studies on the Effectiveness of Self-Management Education and Regular Medical Review for Adults with Asthma
15=dat.hackshaw1998=Studies on Lung Cancer Risk from ETS Exposure
16=dat.hart1999=Studies on the Effectiveness of Warfarin for Preventing Strokes
17=dat.hasselblad1998=Studies on the Effectiveness of Counseling for Smoking Cessation
18=dat.hine1989=Studies on Prophylactic Use of Lidocaine After a Heart Attack
19=dat.ishak2007=Studies on Deep-Brain Stimulation
20=dat.konstantopoulos2011=Studies on the Effects of Modified School Calendars on Student Achievement
21=dat.laopaiboon2015=Studies on the Effectiveness of Azithromycin for Treating Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
22=dat.lee2004=Studies on Acupoint P6 Stimulation for Preventing Nausea
23=dat.li2007=Studies on the Effectiveness of Intravenous Magnesium in Acute Myocardial Infarction
24=dat.linde2005=Studies on the Effectiveness of St. John's Wort for Treating Depression
25=dat.mcdaniel1994=Studies on the Validity of Employment Interviews
26=dat.molloy2014=Studies on the Relationship between Conscientiousness and Medication Adherence
27=dat.nielweise2007=Studies on Anti-Infective-Treated Central Venous Catheters for Prevention of Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections
28=dat.nielweise2008=Studies on Anti-Infective-Treated Central Venous Catheters for Prevention of Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections
29=dat.normand1999=Studies on the Length of Hospital Stay of Stroke Patients
30=dat.pagliaro1992=Studies on the Effectiveness of Nonsurgical Treatments in Cirrhosis
31=dat.pignon2000=Studies on the Effectiveness of Locoregional Treatment plus Chemotherapy for Head and Neck Squamous-Cell Carcinoma
32=dat.pritz1997=Studies on the Effectiveness of Hyperdynamic Therapy for Treating Cerebral Vasospasm
33=dat.raudenbush1985=Studies on Assessing the Effects of Teacher Expectations on Pupil IQ
34=dat.riley2003=Studies on MYC-N as a Prognostic Marker for Neuroblastoma
35=dat.senn2013=Studies on the Effectiveness of Glucose-Lowering Agents
36=dat.yusuf1985=Studies of Beta Blockers During and After Myocardial Infarction

---------------------->>datasets at nlme.R


datasets at R package nlme, Data Sets for Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models

1=Alfalfa=Split-Plot Experiment on Varieties of Alfalfa
2=Assay=Bioassay on Cell Culture Plate
3=bdf=Language scores
4=BodyWeight=Rat weight over time for different diets
5=Cefamandole=Pharmacokinetics of Cefamandole
6=Dialyzer=High-Flux Hemodialyzer
7=Earthquake=Earthquake Intensity
8=ergoStool=Ergometrics experiment with stool types
9=Fatigue=Cracks caused by metal fatigue
10=Gasoline=Refinery yield of gasoline
11=Glucose=Glucose levels over time
12=Glucose2=Glucose Levels Following Alcohol Ingestion
13=Gun=Methods for firing naval guns
14=IGF=Radioimmunoassay of IGF-I Protein
15=Machines=Productivity Scores for Machines and Workers
16=MathAchieve=Mathematics achievement scores
17=MathAchSchool=School demographic data for MathAchieve
18=Meat=Tenderness of meat
19=Milk=Protein content of cows' milk
20=Muscle=Contraction of heart muscle sections
21=Nitrendipene=Assay of nitrendipene
22=Oats=Split-plot Experiment on Varieties of Oats
23=Orthodont=Growth curve data on an orthdontic measurement
24=Ovary=Counts of Ovarian Follicles
25=Oxboys=Heights of Boys in Oxford
26=Oxide=Variability in Semiconductor Manufacturing
27=PBG=Effect of Phenylbiguanide on Blood Pressure
28=Phenobarb=Phenobarbitol Kinetics
29=Pixel=X-ray pixel intensities over time
30=Quinidine=Quinidine Kinetics
31=Rail=Evaluation of Stress in Railway Rails
32=RatPupWeight=The weight of rat pups
33=Relaxin=Assay for Relaxin
34=Remifentanil=Pharmacokinetics of remifentanil
35=Soybean=Growth of soybean plants
36=Spruce=Growth of Spruce Trees
37=Tetracycline1=Pharmacokinetics of tetracycline
38=Tetracycline2=Pharmacokinetics of tetracycline
39=Wafer=Modeling of Analog MOS Circuits
40=Wheat=Yields by growing conditions
41=Wheat2=Wheat Yield Trials

---------------------->>datasets at many1.R

datasets at R package 'outbreaks' 'plm' 'plotKML' 'psychTools' 'randomForestSRC'

< outbreaks , A Collection of Disease Outbreak Data >
1=dengue_fais_2011=Dengue on the island of Fais, Micronesia, 2011
2=dengue_yap_2011=Dengue on the Yap Main Islands, Micronesia, 2011
3=ebola_kikwit_1995=Ebola in Kikwit, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1995
4=ebola_sim=Simulated Ebola outbreak
5=ebola_sim_clean=Simulated Ebola outbreak
6=fluH7N9_china_2013=Influenza A H7N9 in China, 2013
7=influenza_england_1978_school=Influenza in a boarding school in England, 1978
8=measles_hagelloch_1861=Measles in Hagelloch, Germany, 1861
9=mers_korea_2015=Middle East respiratory syndrome in South Korea, 2015
10=nipah_malaysia=Nipah in Malaysia and Sinagapore, 1997-1999
11=norovirus_derbyshire_2001_school=Norovirus in a primary school in Derbyshire, England, 2001
12=rabies_car_2003=Dog Rabies in Central African Republic, 2003-2012
13=s_enteritidis_pt59=Salmonella Enteritidis PT59 outbreak
14=sars_canada_2003=Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in Canada, 2003
15=smallpox_abakaliki_1967=Smallpox in Abakaliki, Nigeria, 1967
16=zika_girardot_2015=Zika in Girardot, Colombia, 2015
17=zika_sanandres_2015=Zika in San Andres, Colombia, 2015
18=zika_yap_2007=Zika on the Yap Main Islands, Micronesia, 2007
< plm, Linear Models for Panel Data >
19=Cigar=Cigarette Consumption
20=Crime=Crime in North Carolina
21=EmplUK=Employment and Wages in the United Kingdom
22=Gasoline=Gasoline Consumption
23=Grunfeld=Grunfeld's Investment Data
24=Hedonic=Hedonic Prices of Census Tracts in the Boston Area
25=LaborSupply=Wages and Hours Worked
26=Males=Wages and Education of Young Males
27=Parity=Purchasing Power Parity and other parity relationships
28=Produc=US States Production
29=RiceFarms=Production of Rice in Indonesia
30=Snmesp=Employment and Wages in Spain
31=SumHes=The Penn World Table, v. 5
32=Wages=Panel Data of Individual Wages
< plotKML, Visualization of Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Objects in Google Earth>
33=bargrid=Baranja hill case study
34=barstr=Baranja hill case study
35=barxyz=Baranja hill case study
36=bigfoot=Bigfoot reports (USA)
37=eberg=Ebergotzen - soil mapping case study
38=eberg_contours=Ebergotzen - soil mapping case study
39=eberg_grid=Ebergotzen - soil mapping case study
40=eberg_grid25=Ebergotzen - soil mapping case study
41=eberg_zones=Ebergotzen - soil mapping case study
42=fmd=2001 food-and-mouth epidemic, north Cumbria (UK)
43=gpxbtour=GPS log of a bike tour
44=HRprec08=Daily precipitation for Croatia for year 2008
45=HRtemp08=Daily temperatures for Croatia for year 2008
46=LST=Time series of MODIS LST images
47=northcumbria=Polygon boundary of north Cumbria
48=R_pal=Colour palettes for numeric variables
49=SAGA_pal=Colour palettes for numeric variables
50=USAWgrids=Bigfoot reports (USA)
51=worldgrids_pal=Standard global color palettes for factor variables
< psychTools, Tools to Accompany the 'psych' Package for Psychological Research >
52=ability=16 ability items scored as correct or incorrect.
53=affect=Two data sets of affect and arousal scores as a function of personality and movie conditions
54=all.income (income)=US family income from US census 2008
55=bfi=25 Personality items representing 5 factors
56=bfi.dictionary=25 Personality items representing 5 factors
57=bfi.keys (bfi)=25 Personality items representing 5 factors
58=blant=A 29 x 29 matrix that produces weird factor analytic results
59=blot=Bond's Logical Operations Test - BLOT
60=burt=11 emotional variables from Burt (1915)
61=cities=Distances between 11 US cities
62=city.location (cities)=Distances between 11 US cities
63=cubits=Galton's example of the relationship between height and 'cubit' or forearm length
64=cushny=A data set from Cushny and Peebles (1905) on the effect of three drugs on hours of sleep, used by Student (1908)
65=Damian=Project Talent data set from Marion Spengler and Rodica Damian
66=epi=Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) data for 3570 participants
67=epi.bfi=13 personality scales from the Eysenck Personality Inventory and Big 5 inventory
68=epi.dictionary=Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) data for 3570 participants
69=epi.keys (epiR)=Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) data for 3570 participants
70=epiR=Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) data for 3570 participants
71=galton=Galton's Mid parent child height data
72=heights=A data.frame of the Galton (1888) height and cubit data set.
73=holzinger.dictionary=The raw and transformed data from Holzinger and Swineford, 1939
74=holzinger.raw=The raw and transformed data from Holzinger and Swineford, 1939
75=holzinger.swineford=The raw and transformed data from Holzinger and Swineford, 1939
76=income=US family income from US census 2008
77=iqitems=16 multiple choice IQ items
78=msq=75 mood items from the Motivational State Questionnaire for 3896 participants
79=msqR=75 mood items from the Motivational State Questionnaire for 3032 unique participants
80=neo=NEO correlation matrix from the NEO_PI_R manual
81=peas=Galton's Peas
82=sai=State Anxiety data from the PMC lab over multiple occasions.
83=sai.dictionary=State Anxiety data from the PMC lab over multiple occasions.
84=Schutz=The Schutz correlation matrix example from Shapiro and ten Berge
85=Spengler (Damian)=Project Talent data set from Marion Spengler and Rodica Damian
86=Spengler.stat (Damian)=Project Talent data set from Marion Spengler and Rodica Damian
87=spi=A sample from the SAPA Personality Inventory including an item dictionary and scoring keys.
88=spi.dictionary=A sample from the SAPA Personality Inventory including an item dictionary and scoring keys.
89=spi.keys=A sample from the SAPA Personality Inventory including an item dictionary and scoring keys.
90=tai=State Anxiety data from the PMC lab over multiple occasions.
91=USAF=17 anthropometric measures from the USAF showing a general factor
92=veg (vegetables)=Paired comparison of preferences for 9 vegetables
< randomForestSRC, Fast Unified Random Forests for Survival, Regression, and Classification >
93=breast=Wisconsin Prognostic Breast Cancer Data
94=follic=Follicular Cell Lymphoma
95=hd=Hodgkin's Disease
96=housing=Ames Iowa Housing Data
97=nutrigenomic=Nutrigenomic Study
98=pbc=Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC) Data
99=vdv=van de Vijver Microarray Breast Cancer
100=veteran=Veteran's Administration Lung Cancer Trial
101=wihs=Women's Interagency HIV Study (WIHS)
102=wine=White Wine Quality Data

datasets at R package PairedData

1=Anorexia=Anorexia data from Pruzek & Helmreich (2009)
2=Barley=Barley data from Preece (1982, Table 1)
3=Blink=Blink data from Preece (1982, Table 2)
4=Blink2=Blink data (2nd example) from Preece (1982, Table 3)
5=BloodLead=Blood lead levels data from Pruzek & Helmreich (2009)
6=ChickWeight=Chick weight data from Preece (1982, Table 11)
7=Corn=Corn data (Darwin)
8=Datalcoholic=Datalcoholic: a dataset of paired datasets
9=GDO=Agreement study
10=Grain=Grain data from Preece (1982, Table 5)
11=Grain2=Wheat grain data from Preece (1982, Table 12)
12=GrapeFruit=Grape Fruit data from Preece (1982, Table 6)
13=HorseBeginners=Actual and imaginary performances in equitation
14=IceSkating=Ice skating speed study
15=Iron=Iron data from Preece (1982, Table 10)
16=Meat=Meat data from Preece (1982, Table 4)
17=PrisonStress=Stress in prison
18=Rugby=Agreement study in rugby expert ratings
19=Sewage=Chlorinating sewage data from Preece (1982, Table 9)
20=Shoulder=Shoulder flexibility in swimmers
21=SkiExperts=Actual and imaginary performances in ski
22=Sleep=Sleep hours data from Preece (1982, Table 16)
23=Tobacco=Tobacco data from Snedecor and Cochran (1967)
24=anscombe2=Teaching the paired t test
25=lambda.table=Parameters for Generalised Lambda Distributions

-------------------->>datasets at wooldridge.R


datasets at wooldridge


>> datasets at R package safetyData.R (clinical trials data)


1= adam_adae = adam_adae
2= adam_adlbc = adam_adlbc
3= adam_adlbh = adam_adlbh
4= adam_adlbhy = adam_adlbhy
5= adam_adqsadas = adam_adqsadas
6= adam_adqscibc = adam_adqscibc
7= adam_adqsnpix = adam_adqsnpix
8= adam_adsl = adam_adsl
9= adam_adtte = adam_adtte
10= adam_advs = adam_advs
11= sdtm_ae = sdtm_ae
12= sdtm_cm = sdtm_cm
13= sdtm_dm = sdtm_dm
14= sdtm_ds = sdtm_ds
15= sdtm_ex = sdtm_ex
16= sdtm_lb = sdtm_lb
17= sdtm_mh = sdtm_mh
18= sdtm_qs = sdtm_qs
19= sdtm_relrec = sdtm_relrec
20= sdtm_sc = sdtm_sc
21= sdtm_se = sdtm_se
22= sdtm_suppae = sdtm_suppae
23= sdtm_suppdm = sdtm_suppdm
24= sdtm_suppds = sdtm_suppds
25= sdtm_supplb = sdtm_supplb
26= sdtm_sv = sdtm_sv
27= sdtm_ta = sdtm_ta
28= sdtm_te = sdtm_te
29= sdtm_ti = sdtm_ti
30= sdtm_ts = sdtm_ts
31= sdtm_tv = sdtm_tv
32= sdtm_vs = sdtm_vs


>> datasets at ggversa.R


1= Anolis = Anolis
2= ASBESTOS_QUEBEC = Asbestos_Quebec
3= caladeniavalida = Data de Caladenia valida
4= Camas_Hospital = Camas_Hospital
5= Crecimiento_domestico_bruto = Crecimiento_domestico_bruto
6= CypripediumA = CypripediumA
7= dipodium = Dipodium de la Reserva de Wombat, Victoria, Australia
8= Educacion_Ninas = Educacion_Ninas
9= Edu_Salud_Gastos_GDP = Edu_Salud_Gastos_GDP
10= ElphickBirdData = ElphickBirdData
11= Godwits = Godwits
12= Internet2 = Internet2
13= Lelto = Lelto
16= PartosInfantes = PartosInfantes
17= PBI = Producto Bruto Interno
18= PIB_vs_Alfabetismo = PIB_vs_Alfabetismo
19= PIB_vs_Salud = PIB_vs_Salud
20= Pop_PR = Pop_PR
21= Razon_mortandad = Razon_mortandad
22= SparrowsElphick = SparrowsElphick
23= Tiroide = Tiroide
24= VegSamplesV1 = VegSamplesV1